Russell Martin drops double Southampton injury update after international worry

Southamp­ton boss Rus­sell Mar­tin has dropped an encour­ag­ing update on the injury front ahead of tomorrow’s clash against Mid­dles­bor­ough. Fol­low­ing near­ly three weeks with­out a match, Southamp­ton are back in Cham­pi­onship action at home to Mid­dles­bor­ough tomor­row. Last time out, Rus­sell Martin‘s men ran out 4–2 win­ners against Sun­der­land thanks to a Joe Roth­well brace […]

Motorcycle racer Carles Falcon died after an accident at the Dakar rally: footage from the scene of the tragedy

The 45-year-old dri­ver suf­fered numer­ous frac­tures as a result of the acci­dent and suf­fered car­diac arrest. How­ev­er, doc­tors were unable to save him. Span­ish motor­cy­cle rac­er Car­les Fal­con died as a result of an acci­dent while par­tic­i­pat­ing in the Dakar ral­ly in Sau­di Ara­bia. His death was announced by the press ser­vice of the ath­lete’s […]

How did the players of the Russian football team celebrate the New Year?

We show how famous foot­ball play­ers cel­e­brat­ed the hol­i­day. The press ser­vice of the Russ­ian nation­al team pub­lished pho­tographs depict­ing foot­ball play­ers wel­com­ing 2024. Among them were Dmit­ry Bari­nov from Loko­mo­tiv, Max­im Osipenko from Ros­tov, Alexan­der Sobolev and Anton Zinkovsky from Spar­tak and Matvey Safonov from Krasnodar, who cel­e­brat­ed the New Year with their fam­i­ly […]