Sam Amo-Ameyaw stars for England U18s as Southampton teammate also features

Southamp­ton saw two of their won­derkids Samuel Amo-Ameyaw and Tyler Dib­ling star for Eng­land under-18s in their 2–1 win over the Czech Repub­lic.

Southamp­ton have two weeks off dur­ing the inter­na­tion­al break and a num­ber of their first-team stars are on duty for their coun­tries.

Stu­art Arm­strong and Che Adams (Scot­land), Gavin Bazunu and Will Small­bone (Repub­lic of Ire­land), David Brooks (Wales), Shea Charles (North­ern Ire­land), Jan Bednarek (Poland) and Tay­lor Har­wood-Bel­lis (Eng­land under-21s) are all away for their coun­tries.

It isn’t just play­ers from Rus­sell Martin‘s senior squad aim­ing to light up the inter­na­tion­al stage with Southamp­ton won­derkids Samuel Amo-Ameyaw and Tyler Dib­ling star­ring for England’s under-18 side.

Samuel Amo-Ameyaw scores for England under-18s vs Czech Republic

Amo-Ameyaw and Dib­ling are two of sev­er­al Southamp­ton young­sters cur­rent­ly devel­op­ing at Sta­ple­wood.

17-year-old Amo-Ameyaw was cap­tured from the Tot­ten­ham Hot­spur acad­e­my in the sum­mer of 2022 while Dib­ling signed a schol­ar­ship with the Saints in Sep­tem­ber 2022 after return­ing from Chelsea.

The tal­ent­ed wide­men have starred in the Pre­mier League 2 for Southamp­ton with Amo-Ameyaw grab­bing five goals and five assists in eight appear­ances.

Dib­ling, mean­while, has pro­duced eight goal con­tri­bu­tions in 12 match­es.

England v Czechia: Men's U18 International
Pho­to by Aitor Alcalde – The FA/The FA via Get­ty Images

There is no doubt they are two of the most promis­ing young­sters this coun­try has to offer, and Amo-Ameyaw proved that by scor­ing for Eng­land under-18s in their 2–1 win over the Czech Repub­lic.

The “top tal­ent”, as hailed by Fab­rizio Romano, cut inside from the right flank and curled his effort beau­ti­ful­ly into the top cor­ner.

Dib­ling also start­ed the game, and while he didn’t con­tribute to a goal, the future is look­ing bright at Sta­ple­wood.

The future is bright at Southampton

Dib­ling and Amo-Ameyaw weren’t the only two Southamp­ton young­sters to get on the teamsheet with fel­low Saint Jay­den Maghoma named among the sub­sti­tutes.

Hav­ing three young­sters pull on the Eng­land under-18s jer­sey in one match just rein­forces the future is bright on the South Coast.

And hav­ing already made three Cham­pi­onship appear­ances under Mar­tin, Amo-Ameyaw is per­haps the most tal­ent­ed of the trio.

The young­ster is devel­op­ing at such a rate that could see him earn more first-team oppor­tu­ni­ties very soon.

Of course, Mar­tin won’t unleash him in the heat of a pro­mo­tion bat­tle, but if he car­ries on dec­i­mat­ing defences in the under-21s – despite being just 17 – a loan away from St Marys may be on the cards or per­haps more min­utes in the senior side.

Southamp­ton have devel­oped the likes of Gareth Bale, Theo Wal­cott and James Ward-Prowse through their acad­e­my, and while it’s huge pres­sure to fol­low in their foot­steps, his­to­ry sug­gests at least one, or mul­ti­ple young­sters could star in the first-team.

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