Petr Yan commented on the victory over Yadong: I fought without one leg and did not prepare for the fight

The fight­er said that he could not pre­pare for the fight due to an injury that pre­vent­ed him from using his legs in the ring.

Petr Yan broke the unfor­tu­nate series of defeats by win­ning the fight against Song Yadong. It was a ter­ri­ble streak of three con­sec­u­tive defeats in a row, but the Russ­ian over­came it with hon­or despite the fact that he was not ful­ly pre­pared for the fight, as he lat­er admit­ted in an inter­view.

The fight­er said that due to a leg injury, he could not train ful­ly, so he did not have prepara­to­ry spar­ring. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, this did not help to ful­ly cure the injury, so Petr Yan even entered the ring injured, with­out the oppor­tu­ni­ty to ful­ly demon­strate his fight­ing skills.

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Accord­ing to the fight­er, dur­ing the fight he had to almost com­plete­ly turn off his legs, as he was wor­ried about the health of his limb. We had to win the bat­tle the old fash­ioned way — with our fists.

“I fought with one leg for those 15 min­utes. I want­ed to kick more to the body, but it didn’t work. I had to turn on my box­ing IQ. I haven’t sparred for a month due to a leg injury,” said Petr Yan.

This helped the fight­er from Rus­sia. And even though the start of the fight was with the Chi­nese, and in the first sec­onds of the fight Yang missed accent­ed blows to the head and looked more close­ly at the oppo­nent with­out wast­ing his strength, in sub­se­quent rounds he turned the tide of the fight, com­plete­ly con­trol­ling Yadong both in the stand and on the ground.

Ulti­mate­ly, the fight last­ed all the allot­ted three rounds and the judges unan­i­mous­ly gave the vic­to­ry to the Russ­ian with a score of 29–28. Thus, Peter end­ed his series of three con­sec­u­tive defeats and for the first time in two and a half years won a dif­fi­cult vic­to­ry over a sol­id oppo­nent.

New bat­tles await him ahead. Petr Yan is deter­mined and is going to com­plete­ly restore his rep­u­ta­tion by rolling over all his oppo­nents. So he already knows the name of the next oppo­nent. The man­age­ment of Petr Yan seri­ous­ly began orga­niz­ing the fight of his ward against Mar­lon Vera. By the way, he also took part in this tour­na­ment, but lost dev­as­tat­ing­ly to cham­pi­on Sean O’Mal­ley in a rematch.