Messi’s luxury apartment in Miami has an elevator for cars: here’s what it looks like

The world cham­pi­on parks right at home. He can afford it.

World foot­ball star Lionel Mes­si not only does incred­i­ble things on the foot­ball field, but also has exquis­ite taste in choos­ing hous­ing. After sign­ing a con­tract with Inter Mia­mi and mov­ing from Paris to the Unit­ed States, the leg­endary Argen­tine set­tled in a lux­u­ri­ous apart­ment locat­ed in the famous Porsche Design Tow­er. But he moved there, of course, not alone, but with his fam­i­ly — his wife, chil­dren and… cars.

Mes­si pur­chased the apart­ment for $9 mil­lion back in 2022, when he played for the French PSG. But it’s not just the stun­ning views of the Atlantic Ocean and the most mod­ern and com­fort­able con­di­tions that make his new pent­house a unique home. A res­i­dence on the Atlantic coast has an undoubt­ed advan­tage, which for car enthu­si­asts can out­weigh all pos­si­ble dis­ad­van­tages. The fact is that each apart­ment in this 56-sto­ry build­ing has its own ele­va­tor for cars, which takes them direct­ly to the garage locat­ed in the apart­ment.

This ele­va­tor is designed in a unique way. The dri­ver dri­ves his car onto a round, ful­ly auto­mat­ed plat­form sur­round­ed by glass walls. The plat­form then begins to rotate to align the vehi­cle with the door. When the plat­form ele­va­tor reach­es the desired floor, the car is pushed out of the ele­va­tor along guides and parks behind a glass wall that over­looks the liv­ing room. All this beau­ty can be seen with your own eyes in the episode about Messi’s apart­ment in the Porsche Tow­er on the Super­car Blondie Youtube chan­nel

It is not sur­pris­ing that Mes­si, a big car enthu­si­ast, imme­di­ate­ly appre­ci­at­ed the unique advan­tage of his new apart­ment. Now Argen­tines can eas­i­ly park their lux­u­ry cars right at home.

By the way, about Lionel’s cars: his col­lec­tion includes such mas­ter­pieces of the world auto­mo­bile indus­try as the Fer­rari F355 Spi­der Scagli­et­ti, Fer­rari F430 Spy­der and Maserati Gran Tur­is­mo MC Stradale. In addi­tion, Mes­si is a big fan of Audi. Over the years of play­ing for Barcelona, ​​the world cham­pi­on pur­chased three cars from this brand.

Which of these cars are parked in the Porsche Tow­er in Mia­mi, where he now lives with his fam­i­ly, is not known for cer­tain, but giv­en the num­ber of park­ing spaces that are pro­vid­ed to apart­ment own­ers in this res­i­den­tial com­plex, one can assume that there are quite a lot of them there now.

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By the way, the entire area of ​​Mes­si’s famous Flori­da apart­ment is about 330 square meters, includ­ing three bed­rooms and four bath­rooms. It also hous­es a garage where the leg­endary foot­ball play­er parks his lux­u­ry cars.