A hockey player in Moscow accidentally drank ammonia instead of water: he does not rule out that they wanted to poison him

Dur­ing the match, the ath­lete drank ammo­nia from a water bot­tle and received a burn to his mouth and stom­ach.

In Moscow, dur­ing a hock­ey match between ama­teur teams Wol­ta and Hock­ey is my life, an inci­dent occurred that attract­ed the atten­tion of not only the sports com­mu­ni­ty, but also law enforce­ment agen­cies. Accord­ing to the Mash telegram chan­nel, every­thing hap­pened on March 10 at a game of the Labor Reserves hock­ey league at the Yan­tar Ice Palace. Wol­ta hock­ey club play­er Valery Zotov, who was rest­ing on the bench, decid­ed to quench his thirst from a near­by bot­tle, assum­ing it was water. How­ev­er, instead of ordi­nary water, there was ammo­nia there.

Of course, after such a sip, the 40-year-old ath­lete had to urgent­ly seek med­ical help. He was tak­en by ambu­lance to the hos­pi­tal, where doc­tors diag­nosed sec­ond-degree chem­i­cal burns to the tongue, palate and stom­ach. What hap­pened imme­di­ate­ly raised many ques­tions and assump­tions, includ­ing about the inten­tion­al poi­son­ing of the hock­ey play­er. The vic­tim him­self expressed the opin­ion that the alco­hol could have been poured into the bot­tle on pur­pose. By the way, the game even­tu­al­ly end­ed in a vic­to­ry for his team with a score of 4:0.

It is already known that Zotov’s con­di­tion has improved, how­ev­er, the police con­tin­ue the inves­ti­ga­tion, con­sid­er­ing var­i­ous ver­sions of what hap­pened, includ­ing an attempt­ed poi­son­ing.

Valery Zotov

Ear­li­er it became known that an ele­va­tor car­ry­ing pas­sen­gers col­lapsed in a mul­ti-sto­ry build­ing in St. Peters­burg. At the time of the inci­dent, there were 13 peo­ple in it — 8 adults and 5 chil­dren, of which three adults and one child were injured and were tak­en to city hos­pi­tals. The pre­lim­i­nary cause of the fall is said to be over­load of the ele­va­tor, the engine pow­er of which was not enough to stop in a nor­mal posi­tion.

Three peo­ple were injured as a result of the ele­va­tor fall: an eight-year-old boy with a sus­pect­ed bro­ken ankle, a 32-year-old man with a closed head injury and a leg injury, and a 38-year-old man with a cata­trau­ma and a bro­ken leg. The pros­e­cu­tor’s office of the Pushkin­sky dis­trict of St. Peters­burg, where the ele­va­tor fell, opened an inves­ti­ga­tion into the inci­dent.