Kylian Mbappe will sue the kebab shop: it used his skull in an advertisement

The own­er of the estab­lish­ment admit­ted that he did not expect such close atten­tion from the foot­ball play­er and called him crazy.

The for­ward of the French nation­al foot­ball team and the Paris Saint-Ger­main club, Kylian Mbappe, intends to sue the kebab shop. The estab­lish­ment, with­out his knowl­edge, used his image in adver­tis­ing — and a rather non-stan­dard one.

Mbappe’s claims to the cafe, which is locat­ed in Mar­seille, are report­ed by RMC Sport. Accord­ing to media reports, the player’s lawyers are already prepar­ing a law­suit against the kebab shop, the menu of which includ­ed a kebab with a bun, the descrip­tion of which stat­ed: “Round bread, as round as Mbappe’s skull”. The ath­lete’s rep­re­sen­ta­tives claim that the estab­lish­ment is using Kil­ian’s name for com­mer­cial pur­pos­es with­out his con­sent. At the same time, in the menu of the cafe you can find men­tion of anoth­er French foot­ball play­er — Dim­itri Payet.

The own­er of the estab­lish­ment, Mar­seille fan Mohamed Hen­ni, has already respond­ed to reports of the law­suit. On his page on social net­works, he wrote that he did not expect to receive such atten­tion from the famous foot­ball play­er. “Mbappe sued me, I’m dev­as­tat­ed. I didn’t think that a play­er of this lev­el had time to think about me.”not­ed the man.

Hen­ney empha­sized that the foot­baller is ready to spend his time and mon­ey pur­su­ing him, while Mohamed him­self, in his per­son­al opin­ion, is only “doing humor.” “Aren’t you ashamed of what you’re about to do? There’s no way to sue me for any­thing.”, com­plains the cafe own­er. He also noticed that anoth­er ath­lete men­tioned in the menu of his kebab shop — for­mer Olympic attack­ing mid­field­er Dim­itri Payet — did not react to this fact. “Why? Because he is a play­er who has val­ues.“says Hen­ny.

Kylian Mbappe at a turn­ing point in his career: “I’m not afraid of change and con­tin­ue to fol­low my path”

Mbappe react­ed to reach­ing the 300-goal mark: “This is just ridicu­lous!”

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Now Mbappe real­ly has oth­er wor­ries. The saga con­tin­ues with his trans­fer from PSG, for which Kylian has been play­ing since 2017, to Real Madrid. Accord­ing to media reports, the trans­fer, which has been talked about since 2022, will still take place this com­ing sum­mer — the player’s cur­rent con­tract with the Parisians runs until June 30. They say that the foot­ball play­er is already look­ing for hous­ing in Madrid. We talked ear­li­er about the con­di­tions under which Mbappe could move to Real Madrid, for whom he dreamed of play­ing since child­hood.