The main fight of the year: Mike Tyson will enter the ring against Jake Paul. The fight is officially confirmed

Tyson resumed his career in 2020 for sev­er­al exhi­bi­tion fights. Appar­ent­ly this is one of them.

Jake Paul has been con­firmed to face box­ing leg­end Mike Tyson. He’s Iron Mike. The fight is sup­port­ed by the Net­flix stream­ing ser­vice and will take place at the 80,000-capacity AT&T Sta­di­um in Arling­ton, Texas. It will take place on July 20, 2024.

This is expect­ed to be the biggest box­ing match of the year. And even though Mike Tyson’s form now leaves much to be desired (he is already 57 years old), the con­fronta­tion will still turn out to be heat­ed, because it rep­re­sents a bat­tle between the new and old schools.

Jake Paul defeat­ed Nate Diaz in a duel: this is the YouTube star’s sev­enth vic­to­ry in the ring

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How did Mike Tyson train when he was a cham­pi­on?

Click and watch

Jake Paul has an impres­sive career: he fought 10 fights and fin­ished 9 of them with a land­slide vic­to­ry. He is con­sid­ered to be one of the most promis­ing and up-and-com­ing fight­ers in his weight class. How­ev­er, this achieve­ment pales in com­par­i­son to Tyson’s suc­cess­es. Dur­ing his box­ing career he com­piled a record of 50–6, fin­ish­ing with an impres­sive 44 knock­outs.

In the offi­cial press release for the event, Paul stat­ed: “It’s crazy to think that in my sec­ond pro­fes­sion­al fight, I went viral after knock­ing out Nate Robin­son. Now, less than 4 years lat­er, I face Tyson to see if I have what it takes to defeat one of box­ing’s most famous fight­ers and great­est icons.”

From the press release it is easy to under­stand that the ath­lete treats Tyson with respect, respect­ing his ser­vices in sports. By the way, Tyson also treats his oppo­nent with respect. He said: “I’m real­ly look­ing for­ward to get­ting in the ring with Jake Paul. He has grown a lot as a box­er over the years, so it will be great fun to see what the will and ambi­tion of a ‘kid’ can do with the expe­ri­ence and abil­i­ty of a leg­end.”.

How­ev­er, it would not have hap­pened with­out trash talk, which is an inte­gral part of such events. But even he was extreme­ly respect­ful. In par­tic­u­lar, Jake Paul said: “I have my sights set on becom­ing a world cham­pi­on and now I have the chance to prove myself against the great­est heavy­weight cham­pi­on of the world, the tough­est man on the plan­et and the most dan­ger­ous box­er of all time. It’s time to put Iron Mike to sleep.”.

Well, all that remains is to wait for the bat­tle. The spec­ta­cle will cer­tain­ly be unique.