‘The plan’ — Martin believes Manning’s late Ireland call up ‘not ideal’ for Saints

SAINTS man­ag­er Rus­sell Mar­tin insist­ed Ryan Man­ning’s late Ire­land call-up was not ide­al for the left back or the club.

The 27 year old was not named in inter­im boss John O’Shea’s ini­tial squad but joined up late after recov­er­ing from nose surgery.

Upon link­ing up with Southamp­ton team­mates Gavin Bazunu and Will Small­bone, Man­ning remained as an unused sub­sti­tute for their friend­lies against Bel­gium and Switzer­land.

Speak­ing on Thurs­day, Mar­tin voiced his dis­ap­point­ment that Man­ning was not involved for the Boys in Green in either match.

READ MORE: ‘Been assessed’ — Mar­tin issues fit­ness update on Walk­er-Peters, Fras­er and Brooks

He told the Dai­ly Echo: “He had an oper­a­tion because he broke his nose against Birm­ing­ham. The plan was to keep him here to let it set­tle and keep him fit.

“Then we were informed that they real­ly want­ed him to go and play, but he didn’t play a minute. It’s not ide­al for Ryan or us, but it’s their pre­rog­a­tive.

“The best for him would have been to train here and recov­er. If he would have played and got anoth­er cap it would have been bril­liant for him.”

Man­ning has made 33 appear­ances for Southamp­ton this sea­son hav­ing joined on a free trans­fer from Swansea in the sum­mer.