Adams and Armstrong not expected to talk Saints contracts until end of season

SAINTS boss Rus­sell Mar­tin is hap­py to wait until after the sea­son fin­ish­es to dis­cuss con­tract exten­sions for Che Adams and Stu­art Arm­strong.

Both play­ers are on deals that expire in the sum­mer, mean­ing they will be avail­able to join anoth­er club on a free trans­fer in July.

Adams, who has scored 10 Cham­pi­onship goals this cam­paign, has already been linked with a move back to the Pre­mier League.

The Scot­land inter­na­tion­al was offered a new con­tract at the start of the sea­son but is yet to extend his stay on the south coast.

Asked if the inter­na­tion­al break was a chance to speak to Adams or Arm­strong about a new deal, Mar­tin said: “They are both real­ly com­fort­able.

“There was a lot of con­ver­sa­tion between the start of the sea­son and Jan­u­ary. It was left in Jan­u­ary that they were both com­fort­able with what they were doing and giv­ing every­thing they’ve got.

Daily Echo: Che Adams has scored two in his last three Championship games for SouthamptonChe Adams has scored two in his last three Cham­pi­onship games for Southamp­ton (Image: PA)

“As long as they do that we have no prob­lem at all. I real­ly respect them and I think they respect the club’s posi­tion as well.

“As long as there is an under­stand­ing of each oth­er we will be fine. They have both been out­stand­ing for us — espe­cial­ly recent­ly. 

“They have 10 games to help us get back to the Pre­mier League. I’m sure their biggest desire is to get back there and stay with us or have a lot of suit­ers.

“They have 10 games to make a big impact on their future and that is a huge moti­va­tion, they are not tak­ing it safe because we have so much to play for.

“If you were a mid-table team at this point with guys out of con­tract you would be a bit con­cerned that they don’t give every­thing and try to avoid injury.

“The prize is too big for us as a club and for them as indi­vid­u­als. If we start­ed talk­ing now then I think it would mud­dy the waters a lit­tle bit.

“We are all hap­py to wait until the end of the sea­son and hope­ful­ly at that point every­one will be hap­py with what we have achieved.”

Adams has made 180 appear­ances for Saints, net­ting 43 goals. His com­pa­tri­ot, Arm­strong, has made 208 appear­ances since 2018.