Two Southampton stars and Vestergaard named in Championship Team of the Season so far

Southamp­ton have endured a pret­ty top­sy-turvy sea­son but at times, they’ve looked like the strongest team in the divi­sion.

Rus­sell Martin‘s side went on a remark­able 25-game unbeat­en run and looked like certs to fin­ish inside the top two.

How­ev­er, it hasn’t quite panned out like that after going through a bad patch in Feb­ru­ary which saw them suf­fer three defeats in four games.

Notwith­stand­ing that, many of their Pre­mier League lev­el play­ers have shown their class through­out and two have been includ­ed in the WhoScored Team of the Sea­son so far.

Adam Armstrong and Kyle Walker-Peters named in Team of the Season

Southampton FC v Cardiff City - Sky Bet Championship
Pho­to by Robin Jones/Getty Images

It’s become pret­ty evi­dent that Southamp­ton have a num­ber of play­ers in their squad that are per­haps too good for the Cham­pi­onship.

That is cer­tain­ly the case for Kyle Walk­er-Peters, who was in the Eng­land squad as recent­ly as March 2022.

The for­mer Tot­ten­ham Hot­spur defend­er is wide­ly regard­ed as one of the best play­ers in the divi­sion and he is enjoy­ing a stel­lar cam­paign under Mar­tin. So it is no sur­prise to see his name includ­ed in Whoscored’s Team of the Sea­son so far.

Adam Arm­strong, Saints’ top scor­er, is the oth­er play­er who made the team. Only Sam­mie Szmod­ics has net­ted more goals than the 27-year-old’s 18.

Though, he’s shown more ele­ments to his game than goalscor­ing, as he has also notched 11 assists, the fourth most across the sec­ond tier.

Russell Martin must get the best out of Che Adams

Giv­en his tal­ent and how he start­ed the sea­son, most would’ve expect­ed Che Adams to be includ­ed in the Team of the Sea­son.

The 27-year-old is a top-flight lev­el play­er and he’s evinced that across the 124 appear­ances he’s made in the divi­sion.

But fol­low­ing his blis­ter­ing start, the goals haven’t real­ly been as fre­quent and per­haps Mar­tin isn’t get­ting the best out of his for­ward.

Often Adams has been shift­ed out to the flank or even as an attack­ing mid­field­er which clear­ly aren’t his best posi­tions.

So the for­mer Swansea City boss should con­sid­er mak­ing a slight adjust­ment to his sys­tem in order to play the Leices­ter-born strik­er cen­tral­ly on a reg­u­lar basis. That way he’ll be able to find his rhythm.

10 of Adams’ 17 goal con­tri­bu­tions this term have come from the cen­tre-for­ward role, as per Trans­fer­markt.

Despite endur­ing dips in form, the Scot­land inter­na­tion­al could still join Arm­strong in an incred­i­ble sta­tis­tic before the end of the cam­paign.

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