Saints named among several English clubs interested in former Celtic sensation

SAINTS have been named among sev­er­al Eng­lish clubs report­ed­ly inter­est­ed in on-loan Black­pool star Karamoko Dem­bele. 

The 21 year old has long been a known name to foot­ball scouts after he drew fame for an ear­ly break­through at Celtic. 

Attack­ing mid­field­er Dem­bele rep­re­sent­ed Celtic’s under-20s when he was just 13 in 2016 and went on to make his senior debut at 16. 

How­ev­er, he only made 10 appear­ances for the Hoops before join­ing French side Stade Brest on a free trans­fer in 2022. 

Dem­bele has been an impor­tant part of Black­pool’s play­off push and FA Cup run this sea­son with sev­en goals and 12 assists in 42 out­ings. 

Daily Echo: Karamoko Dembele has scored goals against the likes of Charlton, Peterborough and Shrewsbury this seasonKaramoko Dem­bele has scored goals against the likes of Charl­ton, Peter­bor­ough and Shrews­bury this sea­son (Image: PA)

Online foot­ball news pub­li­ca­tion HITC reports that Saints are among four Cham­pi­onship clubs inter­est­ed in the ball-car­ry­ing ace. 

Leices­ter City, Leeds Unit­ed and Mid­dles­brough are also named in addi­tion to suit­ors from the Pre­mier League.

They add Ever­ton, West Ham, Ful­ham, Brent­ford and Wolves are all keep­ing tabs on the for­mer Eng­land youth inter­na­tion­al. 

“He’s a love­ly play­er to watch,” Black­pool team-mate Owen Dale told the Black­pool Gazette. “He’s a great asset for us to have in the team.

“He gives us a dif­fer­ent dimen­sion and likes to pop up in those pock­ets. He draws defend­ers over to him which leaves some­one else free.”

Saints could be in the mar­ket for a new attack­ing mid­field­er in the sum­mer should Stu­art Arm­strong depart at the end of his con­tract.

Char­ly Alcaraz, cur­rent­ly on loan at Juven­tus, could be sold to the high­est bid­der while Joe Roth­well may return to AFC Bournemouth.