Three players Southampton must offload this summer including £45k-a-week star

Southamp­ton will have to address the futures of a num­ber of play­ers in the sum­mer.

The Saints are of course, cur­rent­ly embroiled in the bat­tle to win pro­mo­tion from the Cham­pi­onship.

Rus­sell Martin‘s side cur­rent­ly sit 4th in the table, and should at least be well set to secure a top six spot at the very least.

How­ev­er, there are some play­ers they may need to move on from St Mary’s, regard­less of what divi­sion they are play­ing in next sea­son, for one rea­son or anoth­er.

So with that in mind, we’ve tak­en a look at three play­ers Southamp­ton may need to try and move on in the sum­mer, right here.

Alex McCarthy is a big earner at St Mary’s

It has been a qui­et sea­son at St Mary’s for Alex McCarthy. The goal­keep­er has made just a sin­gle appear­ance for Martin’s side, in the EFL Cup defeat to Gilling­ham back in August.

Accord­ing to Salary Sport how­ev­er, McCarthy is cur­rent­ly being paid £45,000 per week by Southamp­ton. That means he is cur­rent­ly the sec­ond-high­est earn­er in the squad, which doesn’t feel jus­ti­fied giv­en his lim­it­ed involve­ment.

There is there­fore a strong argu­ment that those wages could be bet­ter spent else­where, on a play­er who can make a more telling impact on the pitch for the Saints. As a result, it would seem to make sense for him to be released by Southamp­ton when his con­tract expires in the sum­mer.

Carlos Alcaraz could make money for Southampton

Southampton FC v Sheffield Wednesday - Sky Bet Championship
Pho­to by Robin Jones/Getty Images

Hav­ing nev­er real­ly set­tled at Southamp­ton, Car­los Alcaraz was allowed out on loan in the Jan­u­ary trans­fer win­dow, join­ing Juven­tus.

That move includes the option to buy for a fee of £40million, although it has been sug­gest­ed that the Ital­ian side will look to change that if they are to make the move per­ma­nent.

Even so, that does seem to sug­gest that the mid­field­er could still bring in a decent fee for the Saints, if they can nego­ti­ate things well. Giv­en Salary Sport have also sug­gest­ed that Alcaraz earns £38,000 per week at Southamp­ton, this could also cre­ate some use­ful space in the wage bud­get as well.

Romain Perraud could make loan exit permanent

After two years at Southamp­ton, Per­raud made his tem­po­rary depar­ture from the club in the sum­mer trans­fer win­dow. That saw him return to his native France, sign­ing for Nice on loan.

As is the case with Alcaraz, that move includes the option to buy, which the Saints may hope is tak­en up. The left-back is set to enter the final 12 months of his con­tract in the sum­mer, which may present the club’s last chance to cash in on him.

The left-back rarely seemed to set the world alight dur­ing his time at St Mary’s either. Mean­while, Martin’s side do now have the depth required to cov­er the depar­ture of Per­raud should that hap­pen in the sum­mer.

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