The shrine to Saints inside a family home in Australia

It’s their own shrine to Saints on the oth­er side of the world. 

Ex Soton­ian Ken Andrews, 67, who has lived in Perth, Aus­tralia for more than 40 years, has turned a cor­ner of his house into a colour­ful Southamp­ton sanc­tu­ary so that he has a piece of home near him at all times. 

His garage project, which includes shirts, tick­ets, rosettes and mem­o­ra­bil­ia from Saints famous FA Cup vic­to­ry, has the full sup­port of his 14-year-old daugh­ters, them­selves tal­ent­ed foot­ballers who are light­ing up the local league in West­ern Aus­tralia. 

Daily Echo: 1976 memorabilia is among Ken's shrine to Saints

READ MORE: Ex Saints raise £5,000 for Southamp­ton’s pae­di­atric inten­sive care unit

Edee scored 50 goals in 15 games last sea­son, while Pen­ny is the mid­field dynamo who sets her twin up with the goals and won the best play­er award last year. Ken coach­es the team. 

It was in 1982 when Ken decid­ed to leave the UK reces­sion behind and emi­grate to Oz. 

He was work­ing at Vosper Thorny­croft in Wool­ston and play­ing foot­ball at a decent lev­el in the Hamp­shire League where over the years he played for both Net­ley Cen­tral and Rom­sey Town, but was swayed by the search for trades­peo­ple in West­ern Aus­tralia. 

A friend already in Perth signed Ken up for semi pro­fes­sion­al Greek club Flo­re­at Athena, coached by Saints leg­end John Syden­ham. 

Daily Echo: Ken and teammates turning out for Floreat Athena, who won the cup in Australia

He said: “It was a dream because as a kid I was at The Dell when he and Ter­ry Paine and big Ron Davies were in their prime.”

John Syden­ham man­aged to acquire Ken a yel­low and blue shirt signed by all time top scor­er Mick Chan­non, and his framed cup final tick­et was gained in inter­est­ing fash­ion. 

“As I was always play­ing, I nev­er got to the Saints games,” said Ken. “They used to give out vouch­ers at ran­dom games which gave you a chance to buy tick­ets for big games. Mon­day morn­ing at work, a guy was sell­ing his vouch­er from a game against I think Oxford for 50p. Best 50p I ever spent! That vouch­er got me tick­ets to the semi final and the final. What a day!”

Daily Echo: The Andrews family are involved in Hamersley Rovers

Ken and his fam­i­ly, and many oth­er fans in Perth, con­tin­ue to fly the flag for Saints in Aus­tralia.

The Andrews fam­i­ly are com­ing home for Christ­mas for the first time since before Covid and are hop­ing to take in a Saints game or two, prefer­ably in the Pre­mier League!