‘Amazing experience’ — Adams targeting starting spot for Scotland at Euro 2024

FORWARD Che Adams hopes his Saints form can earn him a start­ing berth for Scot­land’s Euro 2024 open­er against Ger­many this sum­mer.

Adams’ pri­ma­ry focus is fir­ing Southamp­ton back to the Pre­mier League, but beyond that, he can look for­ward to rep­re­sent­ing Scot­land at this year’s Euros.

The 27 year old has hit 12 goals in 35 games this sea­son — includ­ing two in his last three — a total only bet­tered by Adam Arm­strong for Southamp­ton this sea­son.

Steve Clarke’s side were impres­sive in qual­i­fy­ing, los­ing just one of eight games, and have been drawn in the same group as tour­na­ment hosts Ger­many, who they face in the open­ing game.

“It’s going to be the open­ing cer­e­mo­ny, what an expe­ri­ence that will be,” Adams told the club’s match­day pro­gramme. 

“There’s so much com­pe­ti­tion for places in the nation­al team, so hope­ful­ly we can get a call-up, but it’s going to be an amaz­ing expe­ri­ence.

“I’ve just got to keep going with per­for­mances and just keep being relent­less. That will war­rant a place in the team.”

Adams is part of a large con­tin­gent of Scot­tish play­ers at Southamp­ton. Both he and Stu­art Arm­strong are reg­u­lars for the nation­al team. Ryan Fras­er and Ross Stew­art have also turned out for the coun­try.

On the coach­ing staff, man­ag­er Rus­sell Mar­tin is a 29-time inter­na­tion­al, while assis­tant boss Col­in Calder­wood earned 36 caps.

“Every time the Scot­tish boys link up in train­ing and score a goal, Rus­sell is always like, ‘That’s why Scot­land are going to the Euros,’ ” Adams laughed.

Although he was a reg­u­lar starter dur­ing qual­i­fi­ca­tion for Euro 2024, Adams was dropped to the bench in favour of Lawrance Shank­land for Scot­land’s 4–0 thrash­ing by the Nether­lands last week.

Speak­ing to Via play, Clarke explained: “It’s always a dif­fi­cult deci­sion because I’ve got three fan­tas­tic strik­ers. Che and Lyn­don (Dykes) have had oppor­tu­ni­ties to show me what they can do.

“I know what they can do against good oppo­si­tion, so I’d like to have a look at Lawrence and see what he can do against good oppo­si­tion.”