American muscle giant Alan Ritchson, at the age of 40, underwent testosterone therapy to gain 13 kg of muscle: this is how it happened

The 41-year-old actor, known for his role as Jack Reach­er in the TV series of the same name, shared how he man­aged to gain 13 kg of mus­cle in 8 months.

Jack Reach­er is a “very tall and broad-shoul­dered” char­ac­ter in a series of nov­els by Lee Child. On the screen, his face was Alan Ritch­son, who looks in no way infe­ri­or to his pro­to­type. True, it’s eas­i­er said than done. Before film­ing the sec­ond sea­son of the series of the same name, the actor gained 13 kg of weight in 8 months: to com­plete this task, he had to “destroy his body.” Although recent pho­tos on social net­works say oth­er­wise. Ille­gal meth­ods are clear­ly involved in the case.

Don’t self-med­icate! In our arti­cles, we col­lect the lat­est sci­en­tif­ic evi­dence and opin­ions from respect­ed health experts. But remem­ber: only a doc­tor can make a diag­no­sis and pre­scribe treat­ment.
“I had a bro­ken col­lar­bone that I had to repair. There was a ter­ri­ble hor­mon­al imbal­ance in my body. I was falling apart. This should­n’t have hap­pened so quick­ly.”

In the first sea­son, Ritch­son hon­est­ly sweat­ed in the gym. But the con­se­quences of hard work were not in vain. Hard train­ing was­n’t enough for the 41-year-old actor to play Jack Reach­er. That is why Alan had to begin to close­ly study the issue of testos­terone ther­a­py.

“By the end of the first sea­son, my male hor­mone lev­els were almost zero due to stress and fatigue. I don’t want to have surgery after every sea­son, and testos­terone helps me recov­er.”
A bru­tal, mus­cu­lar giant in an action movie in the spir­it of the 80s: watch the new series “Jack Reach­er”

How to increase testos­terone lev­els: every­thing you need to know about the main male hor­mone

How to increase testos­terone lev­els with­out the gym or pills

Rich­son admits that this is “the ide­al solu­tion for a man over 40.” The actor believes that many peo­ple do not know about the exis­tence of testos­terone ther­a­py, which can change lives. But this does not mean that Rich­son has giv­en up train­ing; on the con­trary, thanks to the heavy dose of testos­terone, it is now much eas­i­er for him to gain weight.

“I have nev­er tak­en 600 mg of testos­terone per week. It def­i­nite­ly helps mus­cle growth. If you take a lit­tle and then hit the gym as usu­al, you will see amaz­ing results.”