5 of the best Lionel Messi goals that amazed the world: these moments will forever go down in football history

The Argen­tine scored more than 800 goals in his career, but some turned out to be espe­cial­ly beau­ti­ful.

Lionel Mes­si is a leg­endary foot­ball play­er and sev­en-time Bal­lon d’Or win­ner. Mes­si recent­ly moved to the US Cham­pi­onship and is prepar­ing to retire soon. We remem­bered Mes­si’s best goals that made him a leg­end.

Fifth place: Argentina — Brazil — 4:3 (June 10, 2012, friendly match)

The friend­ly match between the bit­ter rivals turned out to be fiery. At the very end, with the score tied, Mes­si took the ball on the right flank and moved towards the penal­ty area. Hav­ing reached a killing dis­tance, he fired — right at the top nine.

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Fourth place: Barcelona — Albacete — 2:0 (May 1, 2005,
Spanish Championship)

Mes­si’s first goal for Barcelona in offi­cial match­es was not only his­tor­i­cal, but also beau­ti­ful. On the day of the match, Mes­si was 17 years, 10 months and 7 days old. He became the youngest goal scor­er in the his­to­ry of Barcelona in the games of the Span­ish cham­pi­onship.

Mes­si came out in the same line­up with the leg­endary Ronald­in­ho, with whom he built a sim­ple com­bi­na­tion — he played a “wall” and went one-on-one. Mes­si skill­ful­ly threw the ball over the goal­keep­er who had come out of the gate, mak­ing the score 2:0 in the 88th minute.

Third place: Mexico — Argentina — 0:3 (July 12, 2007,
America’s Cup, semi-final)

In the sec­ond half of the match against Mex­i­co, Mes­si made the score 2:0 by throw­ing the ball over the goal­keep­er’s col­lar. Argenti­na won 3:0 and reached the final, where they lost to Brazil by the same score.

Second place: Barcelona — Athletic — 3:1 (May 30, 2015,
Spanish Cup final)

Mes­si’s goal in the 2015 Copa del Rey final impressed fans: the Argen­tine crossed half the field, beat four oppo­nents and pow­er­ful­ly hit the near cor­ner. Barcelona head coach Luis Enrique called the ball “a goal from anoth­er galaxy.”

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First place: Barcelona — Getafe — 5:2 (April 18, 2007,
Spanish Cup, semi-final)

Barcelona once con­duct­ed a poll for the best goal in the club’s his­to­ry. The first place was tak­en by Mes­si’s goal against Getafe in the Copa del Rey game. The Argen­tine start­ed a raid towards the goal from his own half of the field, beat four oppo­nents and the goal­keep­er along the way, and then sent the ball into the net.

By the way, this goal is very sim­i­lar to the goal that Maradona scored. Fans even cre­at­ed a video com­par­ing two his­tor­i­cal goals:

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