An 80-year-old grandfather completed the Ironman triathlon: he ran 42 km and finished to the applause of the public.

The phe­nom­e­nal ath­lete showed incred­i­ble endurance that will be the envy of young peo­ple.

80-year-old George Hulse com­plet­ed the Iron­man chal­lenge in 16 hours. This “steel” grand­fa­ther did the incred­i­ble: he start­ed the race with a 3.9 km swim, then got on a bike, and then com­plet­ed a marathon.

How did grandpa do the race?

The 80-year-old ath­lete start­ed the race with a 3.9 km swim, which took him 1 hour, 30 min­utes and 44 sec­onds. He then cycled to Port Dou­glas and back to Cairns.

Hulse cycled for sev­en hours, 47 min­utes and 9 sec­onds before tak­ing an 11-minute break to catch his breath before the gru­el­ing marathon.

Hulse com­plet­ed the 42.2‑kilometre course in 6 hours, 38 min­utes and 49 sec­onds. He crossed the fin­ish line to applause and then sat down in his wheel­chair. By the way, a Russ­ian became the absolute cham­pi­on of Iron­man in 2022.

How did the network react to your grandfather’s achievement?

Fol­low­ers on social net­works were shocked by the strength of the marathon run­ner. He com­plet­ed a dif­fi­cult race that is beyond the capa­bil­i­ties of most young peo­ple. And he did it at the age of 80 — it’s hard to believe.

“What a leg­end! Give this guy the biggest medal and give him a stand­ing ova­tion at the awards cer­e­mo­ny. What a won­der­ful per­son!” one user wrote. Anoth­er added: “No one com­pares to George. He will be an inspi­ra­tion to oth­ers for decades to come.”