How to become a champion: Khabib Nurmagomedov’s rules of life

The for­mer UFC light­weight cham­pi­on, the best fight­er regard­less of weight cat­e­go­ry accord­ing to Sher­dog, spoke about what is impor­tant to him in life and what his father taught him.

The for­mer UFC light­weight cham­pi­on, the best fight­er regard­less of weight cat­e­go­ry, revealed the secret of his prin­ci­ples, which he fol­lows as he walks through life. What is very impor­tant to him and what lessons his father taught him.

Family comes first

Fam­i­ly is of great impor­tance for a Russ­ian fight­er, and the opin­ion of par­ents is the most valu­able. Khabib even end­ed his sports career at the age of 32 after defeat­ing Amer­i­can Justin Gaeth­je, because it was a request from his moth­er Pati­mat Nur­magome­do­va. After the fight, he admit­ted that he want­ed to be close to her, since the only par­ent he had left was his moth­er. And he would like to devote more time to her. The ath­lete always speaks warm­ly about his moth­er, so in his auto­bi­og­ra­phy Khabib­time he writes about her as “filled with ten­der­ness and care for her chil­dren, the keep­er of the hearth.” “Fam­i­ly always comes first for me. I have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to live in big cities, where the stan­dard of liv­ing is much high­er than in Dages­tan. But I don’t move to anoth­er place, because I have rel­a­tives, fam­i­ly, par­ents. And they won’t be there. Because you have to remem­ber who you are, what you are and where you come from. A per­son has a fam­i­ly, rel­a­tives, and they shouldn’t be ashamed of you,” Nur­magome­dov shares.

Father is the main teacher in life

Abdul­manap Nur­magome­dov was not only Khabib’s father, but also Khabib’s coach. It was he who gave him impor­tant prin­ci­ples in life that need to be fol­lowed. Name­ly, per­son­al exam­ple is con­ta­gious, always have moti­va­tion, be demand­ing of your­self and be able to force your­self. This allowed Nur­magome­dov Jr. to set the high­est goals for him­self and achieve them. Khabib also recalls that his father nev­er left him with­out pun­ish­ment if he was guilty or did some­thing wrong. Abdul­manap Magome­dovich believed that if a per­son per­forms some action, then he should feel the impact on it. Khabib has been a father for a long time and is try­ing to pass on the acquired knowl­edge and val­ues ​​to his heirs, as his father once did.

Help for fellow countrymen

The home­land has always been impor­tant for a fight­er. He still helps many fam­i­lies and espe­cial­ly ath­letes from the region. The fight­er tries to show gen­eros­i­ty towards his fel­low coun­try­men. For exam­ple, Nur­magome­dov paid for tick­ets and accom­mo­da­tion for all his friends who want­ed to come to his fight with Amer­i­can Dustin Poiri­er in the UAE.

Discipline is the secret to success

Khabib is from the vil­lage of Sil­di in Dages­tan. An MMA fight­er always calls it “the place of dis­ci­pline.” It was here that Nur­magome­dov absorbed this prin­ci­ple from child­hood. Accord­ing to him, there are peo­ple who work to earn mon­ey, but in his vil­lage they work to sur­vive. “Here they lived, and on the oth­er moun­tain there were their veg­etable gar­dens. In the morn­ing we woke up with the sun, got up, and worked. You auto­mat­i­cal­ly become a dis­ci­plined per­son, accus­tomed to hard work, some­one who val­ues ​​his time,” says Habib. The Dages­tani con­stant­ly quotes Julius Cae­sar: “Only dis­ci­pline and exer­cise lead to courage.” In addi­tion, he always took a very respon­si­ble approach to the train­ing process, weight cut­ting, worked 100% of fights and nev­er allowed him­self to miss train­ing or throw a par­ty before an impor­tant fight. It would be hard to find a bet­ter exam­ple of how to be a respon­si­ble ath­lete.

You need to be patient and wait for the best

Every per­son has black and white stripes in life. In ath­letes they are espe­cial­ly pro­nounced when they are injured and have to recov­er for a long time. Or when there is a long series of loss­es. Nur­magome­dov faced such a peri­od in 2014. For a year he was plagued by injuries: a torn cru­ci­ate lig­a­ment, fol­lowed by surgery on the menis­cus, reha­bil­i­ta­tion, and then a frac­ture of two ribs. Then he was vis­it­ed by thoughts of leav­ing big sport. His father’s advice helped him: “These are the dif­fi­cul­ties and tests that need to be over­come, be patient, oth­er­wise it will be dif­fi­cult.” As a result, he became the UFC light­weight cham­pi­on.