Mbappe’s salary has become known if he moves to Real Madrid: how much will the PSG striker earn?

The amount offered by the Madrid club turned out to be impres­sive.

24-year-old French foot­baller Kylian Mbappe has admit­ted many times that he has dreamed of play­ing for the Madrid club since child­hood. In the spring of 2022, the trans­fer had already been agreed upon, but PSG at the last moment offered favor­able con­di­tions — a salary of 57 mil­lion euros per year after tax­es and the oppor­tu­ni­ty to influ­ence key deci­sions at the club. As a result, Mbappe re-signed his con­tract for two years with an option to extend for anoth­er sea­son.

By data Accord­ing to El Debate jour­nal­ist Tomas-Gon­za­lez Mar­tin, Real Madrid is ready to pay 200 mil­lion euros for Kylian plus 20 mil­lion in bonus­es. Real Madrid man­age­ment believes it will be able to sign Mbappe in the next two weeks. The Spaniards’ goal is to com­plete the trans­fer before July so that Kylian can go with the club on a tour of the Unit­ed States.

Mbappe him­self agrees to leave PSG, but only if he does not lose such a large sum. The for­ward wants to stay at the Paris Club for anoth­er year so that, in addi­tion to the salary of 57 mil­lion, he will receive anoth­er 90 mil­lion euros in the form of a loy­al­ty bonus, which should be accrued after the end of the con­tract. Once he receives the mon­ey, Kylian would like to leave PSG for free and nego­ti­ate a move to Real Madrid in Jan­u­ary 2024.

At the same time, judg­ing by the Trans­fer­markt aggre­ga­tor, the most expen­sive play­er in the world is still the Nor­we­gian strik­er of Man­ches­ter City Erling Haa­land. The 22-year-old play­er’s val­ue is esti­mat­ed at 170 mil­lion euros.