Why Ronaldo shouts “Siu” after scoring goals: the footballer revealed the meaning of his signature celebration

The tra­di­tion orig­i­nat­ed in Real Madrid, becom­ing an invari­able part of the Por­tuguese image.

Foot­baller of the Por­tuguese nation­al team and Sau­di Al-Nasr Cris­tiano Ronal­do spoke about the mean­ing of the com­pa­ny’s goal cel­e­bra­tion, Four­FourT­wo reports.

What does the signature “Siu!” mean? Ronaldo?

““Siu!” means “Yes!”, quite sim­ple, but with a strong mes­sage,” Ronal­do explained. The for­ward called this phrase a phe­nom­e­non and not­ed that he likes it when oth­er play­ers and chil­dren repeat it.

Let us remind you that after a goal, Ronal­do runs to the cor­ner flag, jumps high, turn­ing 180 degrees in the air, throws his arms back and shouts “Siu!” The foot­baller’s phrase has become a meme, and he often repeats it — not only after scor­ing goals:

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Why did Ronaldo start celebrating goals like this?

Accord­ing to Ronal­do, it all start­ed when he joined Real Madrid, whose col­ors he defend­ed from 2009 to 2018. In the Span­ish team, all the play­ers shout­ed “Siu!” after the goals.

The final ver­sion of the cel­e­bra­tion took shape dur­ing pre-sea­son train­ing. Then Real Madrid fought with Lon­don’s Chelsea in Los Ange­les, USA. And Ronal­do cel­e­brat­ed the goal with an icon­ic jump:

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“Peo­ple asked me, ‘Why did you do that?’ Don’t know. I did it, every­thing hap­pened invol­un­tar­i­ly. I always say that the best things hap­pen by them­selves,” the strik­er admit­ted.

Let us remind you that Ronal­do moved to Al-Nasr on Decem­ber 30, 2022. The for­ward’s con­tract is for two years, but he plans to retire soon. Cris­tiano’s salary at the club is 200 mil­lion euros a year, although not every­one in the coun­try is hap­py with his per­for­mances.