A drunk American pissed off Russian tennis player Daniil Medvedev at the US Open: the athlete told him to shut his mouth

For­tu­nate­ly, it didn’t come to blows.

Many peo­ple for­got before the start of the US Open 2023 that Russ­ian Dani­il Medvedev is one of the main con­tenders for win­ning the tour­na­ment. While every­one was argu­ing whether Spaniard Car­los Alcaraz or Ser­bian Novak Djokovic would take the com­pe­ti­tion, Medvedev loud­ly remind­ed him­self in the first round, defeat­ing Hun­gar­i­an Atti­la Bal­azs — 6:1, 6:1, 6:0.

In the sec­ond round, the Rus­sian’s oppo­nent was the Aus­tralian, 69th in the ATP rank­ings, Christo­pher O’Con­nell. The game took place at Louis Arm­strong Sta­di­um, the sec­ond most impor­tant court in the New York ten­nis cen­ter. The meet­ing began after 21:00 local time, how­ev­er there were many spec­ta­tors.

The first two sets were left to Medvedev, the third was so tense that the Russ­ian made sev­er­al mis­takes, hav­ing two match points, he gave up the set. This angered Medvedev so much that he began to rude­ly respond to the tip­sy spec­ta­tors, who shout­ed some­thing at him through­out the game, and then com­plete­ly hit the cam­era that was film­ing him dur­ing the break.

Dur­ing the pause, Daniel called the doc­tor to him and asked him to give him the same med­i­cine that had pre­vi­ous­ly been giv­en to O’Con­nell.

- What are your symp­toms? — asked the doc­tor.
“I lost the set,” the Russ­ian answered calm­ly.

The match had already gone on past mid­night local time and the spec­ta­tors had already man­aged to fill them­selves with beer by this time and were less and less hold­ing back their emo­tions towards Medvedev. It was dif­fi­cult to com­plete the game in such an envi­ron­ment.

“Can you shut up? Are you dumb? Dumb or not? — Medvedev shout­ed to the fan and twirled his hand at his tem­ple.

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As a result, in the fourth set, Medvedev was able to put the squeeze on the Aus­tralian — 6:2 in favor of the Russ­ian. After the meet­ing end­ed, Medvedev sent in Russ­ian the Amer­i­can who had been pes­ter­ing him through­out the match. Here’s how the ten­nis play­er him­self com­ment­ed on this game:

“Tough match. I don’t know why, but at some point he decid­ed to play bet­ter. I spent the entire match at the same lev­el, but he decid­ed to improve a lot. I do not know why. And it became hard­er for me. I’m glad I stuck it out. I had chances in the third set and I was able to take advan­tage of them in the fourth.”.

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Ear­li­er we told you that Dani­il Medvedev won the Mas­ters series clay tour­na­ment for the first time in his career. In the final, which took place in Rome, the Russ­ian beat the Dane Hol­ger Rune. The prize fund of the tour­na­ment was 7.7 mil­lion euros.