Drinking, going to brothels, losing big in casinos: the dark side of footballer Wayne Rooney’s career

The Eng­lish strik­er could have achieved great suc­cess in sports if he had not suc­cumbed to all the temp­ta­tions of youth.

In the ear­ly 2000s, boys in every yard who played foot­ball knew the name Wayne Rooney. Some wore his uni­form, oth­ers imi­tat­ed his style of play, oth­ers admired his cer­tain hero­ic pow­er. All of them, with­out excep­tion, enjoyed watch­ing how a sim­ple guy from a small area in Liv­er­pool went to greater heights in foot­ball every year.

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Rooney began his pro­fes­sion­al career with Ever­ton at the age of 16. Already in 2004, at the age of 18, at EURO 2004 in Por­tu­gal, Wayne con­sid­ered him­self a star and the hope of the Eng­land team. He recalled that at a game against France he ran into Lil­ian Thu­ram and thought to him­self: “You know who I am? I am the best play­er in the world, at that time, I think it was so”.

With his self-esteem over­heat­ed, Rooney end­ed up at Man­ches­ter Unit­ed. In his debut match, he scored a hat-trick and many began to con­sid­er him a ris­ing star. How­ev­er, even then his first dark sides began to appear. The great coach Sir Alex Fer­gu­son said that Rooney does not know how to spend his days off. “If you give him a rest, he imme­di­ate­ly starts drink­ing.”said the for­mer Man­ches­ter Unit­ed coach.

Thus began the degra­da­tion of the ath­lete. The foot­baller brazen­ly cheat­ed on his wife and was a fan of going to Liv­er­pool broth­els. He even slept with a 48-year-old lady. Rooney admit­ted that he was not embar­rassed by her age, since the woman was wear­ing a latex suit with a mask and he did not pay atten­tion to it. Prob­lems with alco­hol were get­ting worse. In 2011, Fer­gu­son kicked Rooney out of the orig­i­nal line­up after he threw a par­ty where he got drunk and sang songs with Ed Sheer­an.

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The foot­ball play­er began to lose his phys­i­cal shape due to his wild lifestyle. How­ev­er, he con­tin­ued to show effec­tive per­for­mance on the field, which spoke of his tal­ent. How­ev­er, Rooney began to tire more and more quick­ly and could not spend 90 min­utes on the field at the same lev­el.

After Fer­gu­son left Man­ches­ter Unit­ed, Rooney went into an even greater gap and was not going to help the team get out of the cri­sis. He began to be seen more and more often in casi­nos with girls of easy virtue.

EURO 2016 put an end to his career in the nation­al team. Before one of the match­es, Rooney got so drunk that he fell asleep at the bar in his track­suit. These pho­tos quick­ly spread through­out the media and Rooney nev­er played anoth­er game for Eng­land. Leav­ing for Ever­ton could not save the footballer’s foot­ball career. He still con­tin­ued to drink, par­ty and lose huge sums in the casi­no.

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Cur­rent­ly, Rooney is coach­ing the MLS club DC Unit­ed. Who knows how this foot­ball player’s career would have devel­oped if it weren’t for drunk­en­ness and all the con­se­quences that accom­pa­ny this mat­ter.

Some foot­ball play­ers can­not imag­ine their career with­out scan­dals. Even on the field, some­times very dirty things hap­pen. All this only makes the most pop­u­lar sport even more inter­est­ing.