For the first time in 19 years, Ronaldo will not be able to qualify for the Ballon d’Or; he was not included in the list of nominees

The Por­tuguese strik­er of Al-Hilal remained out of work.

For the first time in 19 years, Cris­tiano Ronal­do will not be able to qual­i­fy for the Bal­lon d’Or award, award­ed by the French mag­a­zine France Foot­ball. The foot­ball play­er was not includ­ed in the list of nom­i­nees. This became known thanks to a list of appli­cants pub­lished on the social net­work X (for­mer­ly Twit­ter).

Ronal­do, 38, has won the award for him­self five times. He is also a five-time Cham­pi­ons League win­ner, a Nations League win­ner and a Euro­pean cham­pi­on. The foot­baller is con­sid­ered the best scor­er in the his­to­ry of nation­al teams, the Cham­pi­ons League, Euro­pean Cham­pi­onships, and also the Club World Cham­pi­onships.

In addi­tion to Ronal­do, the list of nom­i­nees includ­ed Karim Ben­ze­ma, a strik­er for the Sau­di club Al-Itti­had, Briton Har­ry Kane, who plays for Bay­ern, Kylian Mbappe, who rep­re­sents Paris Saint-Ger­main, and many oth­er foot­ball play­ers.

How­ev­er, the main con­tender for the Bal­lon d’Or is Lionel Mes­si. The Argen­tine foot­baller holds the record for win­ning the award. He man­aged to receive the award sev­en times. The last time he won the Bal­lon d’Or was in 2021. In August 2023, the strik­er joined the Amer­i­can club Inter Mia­mi.

How­ev­er, Ronal­do believes that his rival­ry with Mes­si­ah has come to an end, reports Record.

“Any­one who likes Cris­tiano Ronal­do should not hate Mes­si. They are both very good, they changed the his­to­ry of foot­ball. We are respect­ed all over the world, this is the most impor­tant thing. He goes his own way, I - yours. We shared the stage for 15 years, I don’t say friends, but we are pro­fes­sion­al col­leagues and respect each oth­er,” — not­ed the foot­ball play­er.

The Bal­lon d’Or cer­e­mo­ny will take place on Octo­ber 30. The event will take place in Paris at the Chatelet musi­cal the­ater.

How did the Ballon d’Or award come about?

The award was cre­at­ed by the edi­tor-in-chief of France Foot­ball, Gabriel Han­ot. It was first award­ed in 1956 to British Black­pool for­ward Stan­ley Matthews. The win­ner was cho­sen by foot­ball jour­nal­ists. Ini­tial­ly, only Euro­pean ath­letes could apply for the award. How­ev­er, since 1995, foot­ball play­ers of any nation­al­i­ty play­ing for a Euro­pean club could com­pete for the Bal­lon d’Or. In 2007, this restric­tion was also lift­ed.

In July, Cris­tiano Ronal­do got into anoth­er scan­dal. He launched a min­er­al water brand and was imme­di­ate­ly crit­i­cized.