Hockey player Ovechkin told when he will insert new teeth: now there is no point

The ath­lete explained why he is in no hur­ry to get a Hol­ly­wood smile.

Russ­ian hock­ey star, for­ward of the Nation­al Hock­ey League (NHL) Wash­ing­ton Cap­i­tals, Alexan­der Ovechkin, answered a ques­tion that has been of inter­est to a large num­ber of admir­ers of his tal­ent for a long time — whether he plans to insert new teeth and when this might hap­pen.

The ath­lete became a guest of the “Ques­tion Point­ed­ly” show on the YouTube chan­nel of the cre­ative asso­ci­a­tion Gaz­gold­er, host­ed by rap­per Bas­ta. As it turns out, Ovechkin’s fans are still con­cerned about the fate of his famous smile.

The hock­ey play­er said that a pin was installed on his jaw. At the same time, he does not see the need to acquire a “Hol­ly­wood smile” right now due to the nature of his pro­fes­sion.

The ath­lete said that all his teeth, espe­cial­ly the low­er ones, are “crooked and cracked.” Ovechkin wants to change this sit­u­a­tion, but not before he final­ly leaves hock­ey. “After my career, I will def­i­nite­ly give myself a nor­mal, good smile”he not­ed.

NHL Legend

In the mean­time, the like­li­hood of Alexan­der leav­ing big sport is low. The Russ­ian ath­lete has been play­ing for the Wash­ing­ton Cap­i­tals since 2004, dur­ing which time he has become a true leg­end of the club and the NHL as a whole.

In 2010, Ovechkin was named team cap­tain, and in 2018 she won the Stan­ley Cup — this tro­phy was the first in his­to­ry for the Cap­i­tals.

Last sea­son, Alexan­der appeared on the ice in 74 match­es of the NHL reg­u­lar sea­son. He scored 42 goals and gave 33 assists. In total, Ovechkin has 822 goals in the NHL. He may well break the record of the leg­endary Wayne Gret­zky, who scored 894 goals against oppo­nents dur­ing his career in the league.

And just a few days ago, Wash­ing­ton coach Spencer Car­bery spoke about Ovechkin’s phys­i­cal and psy­cho­log­i­cal form. Accord­ing to him, the hock­ey play­er is in excel­lent spir­its, he is focused and “hun­gry for vic­to­ries.” The ath­lete is focused on return­ing the club to the play­offs, where the Cap­i­tals failed to reach the pre­vi­ous sea­son.

By the way, Alexan­der Ovechkin is far from the only famous hock­ey play­er who is not wor­ried about “insuf­fi­cient” teeth. A num­ber of famous ath­letes can be called own­ers of the famous “hock­ey smile” — for exam­ple, Cana­di­ans John Tavares and Dun­can Kei­th, Swede Daniel Sedin, as well as Ovechkin’s com­pa­tri­ot Alexan­der Radulov.