“It’s about the people”: a competition for companies that invest in the future

The cor­po­rate project com­pe­ti­tion “It’s about the Peo­ple” (for­mer­ly Peo­ple Investor) has been held for 16 years. Dur­ing this time, about 700 medi­um and large busi­ness­es took part in it.

If you are some­one who knows what sus­tain­abil­i­ty is and what its val­ue is for a com­pa­ny, then you will def­i­nite­ly be inter­est­ed in the “It’s About the Peo­ple: Com­pa­nies Invest­ing in the Future” com­pe­ti­tion orga­nized by the Man­age­ment Asso­ci­a­tion.

Com­peti­tors will receive pro­fes­sion­al feed­back on their pro­grams. The defense of the final­ist projects will take place in Octo­ber dur­ing the forum “It’s about the peo­ple. Com­pa­nies invest­ing in the future.” Based on the results of the pre­sen­ta­tions, the jury mem­bers will deter­mine the win­ners of 2023.

The main goal of the “It’s About Peo­ple” project is to dis­sem­i­nate best prac­tices and inno­v­a­tive prac­tices in social­ly respon­si­ble busi­ness. This will help Russ­ian com­pa­nies be more com­pet­i­tive in domes­tic and for­eign mar­kets.

Dur­ing its imple­men­ta­tion, the “It’s About the Peo­ple” project made it pos­si­ble to cre­ate a whole com­mu­ni­ty of Russ­ian busi­ness rep­re­sen­ta­tives, for whom the pri­or­i­ty fac­tor for the suc­cess­ful func­tion­ing of a com­pa­ny in mod­ern con­di­tions is its intan­gi­ble assets — employ­ees, accu­mu­lat­ed knowl­edge, reli­able part­ner­ships, social rep­u­ta­tion.

Nominations for the 2023 competition:

  • Build­ing rela­tion­ships with part­ners and clients
  • Healthy lifestyle
  • Com­mu­ni­ty Devel­op­ment
  • Human Resource Man­age­ment
  • Envi­ron­men­tal effi­cien­cy
  • Con­tri­bu­tion to the cre­ation of a soci­ety of equal oppor­tu­ni­ties

ESG communications

This year, the com­pe­ti­tion has added two cat­e­gories — “ESG com­mu­ni­ca­tions” and “Con­tri­bu­tion to the cre­ation of a soci­ety of equal oppor­tu­ni­ties.”

“The new real­i­ty gives addi­tion­al impe­tus to cre­ative solu­tions. The “It’s About the Peo­ple” com­pe­ti­tion was no excep­tion. We real­ized that the time had come to trans­form the name of the project and intro­duce addi­tion­al nom­i­na­tions. HR process­es are being improved, more and more advanced pro­grams are being devel­oped to care for the health of employ­ees, and to devel­op local com­mu­ni­ties — our com­pe­ti­tion is replen­ished from year to year with more and more capa­cious projects that demon­strate the solu­tion of mul­ti­di­men­sion­al prob­lems. We are con­fi­dent that some of the most out­stand­ing appli­ca­tions will be sub­mit­ted to the new nom­i­na­tions,” com­ment­ed Kate­ri­na Kin­druk, Deputy Exec­u­tive Direc­tor of the Asso­ci­a­tion of Man­agers.

This year’s new cat­e­go­ry “ESG Com­mu­ni­ca­tions” will con­sid­er projects of media hold­ings, mar­ket­ing agen­cies, and com­pa­nies from var­i­ous fields of activ­i­ty aimed at pro­mot­ing social respon­si­bil­i­ty of busi­ness.

“Con­tri­bu­tion to the cre­ation of a soci­ety of equal oppor­tu­ni­ties” — the nom­i­na­tion involves assess­ing the total­i­ty of the activ­i­ties that the com­pa­ny con­ducts in the field of devel­op­ment of inclu­sion, con­scious atti­tude towards peo­ple with spe­cial needs and peo­ple with dis­abil­i­ties.

Participation helps:

  • pro­mote the brand of an employ­er and a reli­able part­ner,
  • become a trend­set­ter for your indus­try,
  • exchange best prac­tices and improve effi­cien­cy in work­ing with key stake­hold­ers.

Appli­ca­tions will be accept­ed until July 31 and can be sub­mit­ted on the web­site.

  • Gen­er­al infor­ma­tion part­ner — Rossiyskaya Gaze­ta
  • Gen­er­al Infor­ma­tion Agency — RIA Novosti
  • Gen­er­al busi­ness part­ner — Vedo­mosti
  • Gen­er­al indus­try part­ner — Social Infor­ma­tion Agency
  • Gen­er­al radio part­ner — Busi­ness FM
  • Gen­er­al media part­ner — Fed­er­al­Press
  • Offi­cial part­ner — AiF
  • Offi­cial media part­ner — Snob
  • Strate­gic infor­ma­tion part­ner — PRIME

Infor­ma­tion Part­ners: busi­ness mag­a­zine “Com­pa­ny”, Social Infor­ma­tion Agency, mag­a­zine “BOSS”, Busi­ness Excel­lence, About busi­ness, Busi­ness and soci­ety, Intercomm.media, Peo­ple of busi­ness, EcoGrad, Project +1

Indus­try part­ners: AKPP, Asso­ci­a­tion of Health Tourism and Cor­po­rate Health, Russ­ian Eco­log­i­cal Soci­ety

TG chan­nels: EcoStandard.journal, HRafisha, Green GR, “Eco-friend­ly events”, “SHER”

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