Khabib Nurmagomedov refused to train Elon Musk for a fight with Zuckerberg

The first details of the upcom­ing fight have appeared.

Amer­i­can entre­pre­neur Elon Musk con­tin­ues to pre­pare for a fight with the head of the Meta cor­po­ra­tion (rec­og­nized as extrem­ist in Rus­sia) Mark Zucker­berg. It was assumed that he would be trained by the Dages­tani fight­er, for­mer UFC cham­pi­on Khabib Nur­magome­dov, but the Russ­ian, appar­ent­ly, aban­doned this idea.

Internet war

The first reports that Musk and Zucker­berg could meet in a cage appeared after a dia­logue between busi­ness­men on social net­works. The ini­tia­tor of the fight was the head of Twit­ter — then this did not come as a sur­prise to any­one, since Musk is famous for his love of extrav­a­gant state­ments.

Zuckerberg’s reac­tion was much more sur­pris­ing — the devel­op­er, who tries to stay away from any high-pro­file news events, accept­ed the chal­lenge. “Name the place“he wrote.

Every­thing that hap­pened was ini­tial­ly per­ceived by Inter­net users as a joke, until the seri­ous­ness of the oppo­nents’ inten­tions was con­firmed by UFC Pres­i­dent Dana White. Sub­se­quent­ly, jiu-jit­su black belt hold­er Lex Fried­man also spoke about Musk and Zuckerberg’s plans to meet in the octa­gon, say­ing that he had already trained with both busi­ness­men.

Russian trace

Over the past weeks, the hype around the upcom­ing fight has con­tin­ued to grow. The media wrote that Khabib Nur­magome­dov could become Elon Musk’s men­tor. Now the sit­u­a­tion has been clar­i­fied by a source close to the sit­u­a­tion in a con­ver­sa­tion with TASS.

He said that the Dages­tani will not be part of the entrepreneur’s coach­ing staff. “Elon Musk want­ed Khabib Nur­magome­dov to train him for a fight against Zucker­berg. But Khabib refused this, the rea­sons are unknown to us.“not­ed the source.

The agency’s inter­locu­tor also added that the project was orga­nized by UFC Eura­sia CEO Andrei Gromkovsky.

Where and when will the fight take place?

For now, the date and place of the fight remain unknown. At the end of June, Musk said that he con­sid­ered it like­ly to hold a meet­ing at the Colos­se­um — a rep­re­sen­ta­tive of the Ital­ian mon­u­ment-muse­um sub­se­quent­ly denied this pos­si­bil­i­ty.

It is pos­si­ble that the icon­ic fight will ulti­mate­ly take place in Las Vegas, one of the most pop­u­lar UFC venues, which was pro­posed by the same Elon Musk.

Book­mak­ers have already cre­at­ed a mar­ket for the hypo­thet­i­cal fight. In their opin­ion, the favorite is Zucker­berg, who is in bet­ter phys­i­cal shape and shares the results of intense train­ing.

In addi­tion, book­mak­ers believe that the fight may not take place in a real cage, but in the meta­verse. They name 2024 as the most like­ly date for the meet­ing.