Let’s meet at Wembley: Oleksandr Usyk challenged Conor McGregor to a fight

We are wait­ing for a clear answer from the Irish fight­er.

36-year-old Ukrain­ian box­er Alexan­der Usik decid­ed to chal­lenge Conor McGre­gor him­self, a mixed mar­tial arts fight­er, to a fight. Usik was sup­posed to have a cham­pi­onship fight with WBC title hold­er Briton Tyson Fury, but the fight fell through because the par­ties could not agree on the terms of the con­tract.

Dubois and Usyk

Usik, after a press con­fer­ence in Lon­don ded­i­cat­ed to his upcom­ing fight with WBA world cham­pi­on, 25-year-old Briton Daniel Dubois, spoke about the fight with McGre­gor:

“I saw that Conor McGre­gor gained a lot of weight. Hey Conor, why don’t we do the fight at Wem­b­ley?” — Usyk said.

The Ukrain­ian ath­lete won the fight against Briton Antho­ny Joshua by split deci­sion in August 2022. After that, he chal­lenged Fury to a fight, who agreed to fight, but at the same time began to nego­ti­ate about oth­er fights. As a result, Fury fought with com­pa­tri­ot Dereck Chiso­ra, knock­ing him out in the 10th round.

On August 26, Usik will fight against Dubois. The fight­ers have already had a tra­di­tion­al duel of views and vis­it­ed the Pol­ish sta­di­um in Wro­claw, where the ath­letes will fight.