Messi revealed his strangest ritual: relatives and friends suffer from this footballer’s quirk

Now the Inter Mia­mi for­ward is being com­pared to Shel­don from The Big Bang The­o­ry.

Amer­i­can Inter Mia­mi for­ward Lionel Mes­si open­ly spoke about his rit­u­als, of which he has many. The footballer’s words are report­ed by TN.

What rituals does Lionel Messi follow?

Mes­si admit­ted that he has many rit­u­als that are not relat­ed to foot­ball. These are not super­sti­tions, but habits, which, how­ev­er, sur­prise many.

“Before I go to bed, I will pre­pare every­thing on the table for the next day. Dur­ing break­fast, every­one sits in their own place. “I’m always in the same place,” Mes­si said.

Messi with his family

The foot­baller also said that he always takes off his sneak­ers at home. This is the norm for Rus­sians, but in many coun­tries it is not cus­tom­ary to take off your shoes at home. Accord­ing to the attack­er, he has oth­er rit­u­als, but he does not want to talk about them.

Most of all, neti­zens were amused by Mes­si’s habit of sit­ting in one place. Now he is being com­pared to Shel­don Coop­er, the leg­endary char­ac­ter from The Big Bang The­o­ry.

Messi and Sheldon Cooper

He always made sure that no one sat in his place on the sofa in the room, because he sci­en­tif­i­cal­ly explained why it was ide­al. In short: there is an ide­al TV view­ing angle and air flow bal­ance.

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What does Lionel Messi eat?

Mes­si also spoke about his eat­ing habits. It turns out that he also has weak­ness­es — he loves sweets:

“I am very unpre­ten­tious in food: roasts, chop Milanese, pas­tas, choco­late, dulce de leche, ice cream. I love every­thing sweet, and I can eat it. But I try to eat less.

Mate? Hot and bit­ter. I used to drink sweet things, but then I got used to bit­ter things.”

Messi drinks mate with his wife

Mes­si is often seen with mate in pho­tos — this Latin Amer­i­can tea is loved by many foot­ball play­ers. Let us remem­ber that Mes­si became an Inter Mia­mi play­er on July 15, after which he amazed the fans with his incred­i­ble per­for­mance and even brought Beck­ham to tears. His agree­ment with the Amer­i­can club runs until the end of the 2024/2025 sea­son.