Messi set a new record. Now he is the most titled football player in history

Despite his advanced age for an ath­lete, Mes­si con­tin­ues to be one of the most sought-after and pro­fes­sion­al foot­ball play­ers in his­to­ry. And recent­ly he set a new record, becom­ing the most titled foot­ball play­er in his­to­ry.

Lionel Mes­si is 36 years old. Most foot­ball play­ers at this age either retire or start play­ing for unknown clubs with­out much suc­cess. But it’s not for noth­ing that Mes­si is con­sid­ered a foot­ball leg­end and one of the best play­ers of our time.

There­fore, despite the fact that he moved to play in an Amer­i­can club (in the USA there is a weak foot­ball school), his career did not decline, but con­tin­ued to devel­op organ­i­cal­ly. Mes­si fit per­fect­ly into the Inter Mia­mi squad and always showed sta­ble and impres­sive play.

He already has 10 goals for the club this sea­son. And large­ly thanks to his play, Inter Mia­mi per­formed well in the Amer­i­can Cup League. So much so that dur­ing a tense strug­gle with Nashville, the club was able to win and receive the cov­et­ed tro­phy.

For Mes­si, this title was the 44th award in his career. And this is an absolute world record. No one has ever man­aged to win so many awards in foot­ball. The pre­vi­ous record was set by Dani Alves, hav­ing earned 43 titles in his career.

Let us remind you that the own­er of the Inter Mia­mi club is anoth­er famous foot­ball play­er — David Beck­ham. He found­ed the club in 2018, but even before its cre­ation he knew that Mes­si would play in it. This idea came to him over a glass of wine.

David Beck­ham and Mes­si are friends. There is a small age dif­fer­ence between them, many com­mon inter­ests, so they are often seen in the same com­pa­ny. So recent­ly they got into the media while rest­ing after anoth­er vic­to­ry for the club: Messi’s secu­ri­ty attacked a man because they decid­ed that he want­ed to take pic­tures of the stars.

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