Record expensive transfer in the history of Russian football: Zenit sells Malcom for €60 million

The Brazil­ian scor­er will move to Al-Hilal, which pre­vi­ous­ly tried to buy Mes­si.

St. Peters­burg Zen­it will sell the Brazil­ian foot­ball play­er Malkom to the Sau­di Al-Hilal for a record 60 mil­lion euros for Rus­sia. The chair­man of the board of Zen­it, Alexan­der Medvedev, spoke about this.

How did Zenit manage such a transfer?

Accord­ing to Medvedev, half of the amount must be paid for the trans­fer to take effect.

“All pay­ments will be com­plet­ed before the end of the 2023/24 sea­son. No bonus­es are pro­vid­ed. 60 mil­lion is a fixed amount,” he empha­sized. Medvedev added that he con­sid­ers the amount an “ade­quate reflec­tion of the tal­ents” of the for­ward.

The trans­fer of 26-year-old Mal­colm will be the most expen­sive in the his­to­ry of Russ­ian foot­ball. Pre­vi­ous­ly, this was con­sid­ered the trans­fer of the Brazil­ian Hulk from Zen­it to the Chi­nese Shang­hai SIPG — the trans­fer amount was 56 mil­lion euros.

Why is Malcolm so expensive?

Mal­colm moved to Zen­it from Barcelona in 2019 for 40 mil­lion euros. Over four sea­sons in the RPL, the Brazil­ian played 109 match­es, scored 42 goals and gave 24 assists.

As part of Zen­it, Mal­com became a four-time Russ­ian cham­pi­on, as well as the win­ner of the coun­try’s Cup and Super Cup. Last sea­son he became the RPL’s top scor­er, scor­ing 23 goals in 27 match­es.

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In Feb­ru­ary 2023, Mal­colm and his team­mate Claud­in­ho received a Russ­ian pass­port. He will now play for Al-Hilal, last sea­son’s bronze medal­ists in the Sau­di Pre­mier League.

At the end of May, it was report­ed that the club offered Lionel Mes­si a two-year con­tract worth €1.2 bil­lion, but the Argen­tine ulti­mate­ly chose Inter Mia­mi. Now Al-Hilal has approached the man­age­ment of PSG, to whom they offered a record amount of 300 mil­lion euros. Jour­nal­ist Fab­rizio Romano report­ed this on his social net­works.