Saints fans can subscribe for just £2 for two months in new flash sale

SAINTS fans who want to sub­scribe to the Dai­ly Echo can enjoy an exclu­sive offer of £2 for two months or over 30% off an annu­al sub­scrip­tion dur­ing our lim­it­ed-time pro­mo­tion. 

A dig­i­tal sub­scrip­tion is the best way to read our news site online, as sub­scribers have unlim­it­ed access to news arti­cles, with few­er ads and inter­rup­tions. 

Recent arti­cles our Saints sub­scribers have enjoyed include:

  • Exclu­sive: Spe­cial report on injury and recov­ery at Sta­ple­wood
  • Eight play­ers Saints could sell in the upcom­ing sum­mer win­dow 
  • Kelvin Davis: ‘My Saints career was a bless­ing but now I am start­ing a new chap­ter’
  • Southamp­ton FC leg­end Benali on why he thrived under pres­sure
  • Saints play­er rat­ings as Roth­well puts out fire in thrilling 4–2 win over Sun­der­land
  • Southamp­ton’s Mar­tin has one big prob­lem ahead of Cham­pi­onship finale

Daily Echo: Southampton manager Russell Martin during the Championship match between Southampton and Sunderland at St Mary's Stadium. Photo by Stuart Martin.

Sub­scribers get full access to exclu­sive inter­views, full tran­scrip­tions of press con­fer­ences, Fran­ny Benal­i’s week­ly col­umn, match ver­dicts, analy­sis, play­er rat­ings, and much more. 

Sub­scrib­ing to this deal now will take read­ers to the con­clu­sion of the Cham­pi­onship sea­son — includ­ing the play­off final if need­ed. 

In addi­tion to unlim­it­ed access to arti­cles and few­er ads, sub­scribers can also enjoy month­ly sav­ings on big brands through the read­er rewards scheme, as well as puz­zles that you can play online. 

Access to the ad-free app is also includ­ed with a dig­i­tal sub­scrip­tion, avail­able on mobile and tablet from the Apple App Store and Google Play.  

App users can browse all news sto­ries, read the dig­i­tal edi­tion, and play puz­zles with­out any ad inter­rup­tions. 

Vis­it the sub­scribe page for fur­ther details. 

This deal is only for new sub­scribers, but if you’re already a sub­scriber, there are oth­er ways to enjoy mon­ey-sav­ing ben­e­fits. 

Thanks for con­tin­u­ing to sup­port our cov­er­age,


*Terms and con­di­tions apply. Sub­scrip­tion auto-renews unless can­celled. After the two-month tri­al peri­od, month­ly sub­scrip­tion will be charged at £4.99 per month. After the one-year tri­al peri­od, annu­al dig­i­tal sub­scrip­tion will be charged at £52 per year. All sub­scrip­tions can be can­celled and refund­ed with­in 14 days of pur­chase. Newsquest Media Group reserves the right to change or remove the offer at any time. Please see for full details.