The IRONSTAR festival will be held in Nizhny Novgorod for the first time

On August 4 and 5, a large-scale sports fes­ti­val IRONSTAR NIZHNY NOVGOROD 2023 will take place in Nizh­ny Nov­gorod. The com­pe­ti­tion pro­gram includes wom­en’s and chil­dren’s races, open water swims and triathlon races at dis­tances of 113 km and OLYMPIC.

The fes­ti­val will open with open water swims — on Fri­day, August 4, the SWIMSTAR ONE MILE and DOUBLE MILE swims will take place. Par­tic­i­pants will cov­er 1 and 2 nau­ti­cal miles (1,852 km and 3,704 km) in the waters of the Row­ing Canal — an ide­al place for high results and per­son­al records, with­out waves or cur­rents. In addi­tion, on Fri­day there will be STARKIDS chil­dren’s races for 500 and 1000 m. Com­mem­o­ra­tive medals will be wait­ing for all lit­tle run­ners at the fin­ish line. The first day of the fes­ti­val will con­clude with the wom­en’s race — IRONLADY.

On the sec­ond day of the fes­ti­val, August 5, triathlon com­pe­ti­tions will take place. Ath­letes will be able to try their hand at the “half-iron” dis­tance as part of the IRONSTAR 113 NIZHNY NOVGOROD 2023, grad­u­al­ly cov­er­ing 1.93 km dur­ing swim­ming, 90 km dur­ing the cycling stage and 21.1 km dur­ing the race, as well as test them­selves at the Olympic dis­tance as part of the IRONSTAR OLYMPIC NIZHNY NOVGOROD 2023 com­pe­ti­tion: 1.5 km swim­ming, 40 km cycling, 10 km run­ning.

The routes of both dis­tances are laid out along a pic­turesque route: the swim­ming stage will take place in the waters of the Greb­noy Canal, the cycling race will take place along the cen­tral streets of the city past the walls of the Nizh­ny Nov­gorod Krem­lin, along the embank­ment of the Vol­ga Riv­er and the main attrac­tions of the city, and the run­ning stage will end on the embank­ment of the Greb­noy Canal.

“This year the IRONSTAR com­pe­ti­tion map has expand­ed, and we are very glad that Nizh­ny Nov­gorod has become one of the loca­tions one of the old­est cities in Rus­sia, which host­ed such icon­ic sport­ing events as the 2018 FIFA World Cup. We hope that our sports fes­ti­val will take a spe­cial place in the hearts of many ath­letes and become one of the most favorite sport­ing events“said the CEO of IRONSTAR Vladimir Sheikin.