The Manchester United footballer is accused of domestic violence against a pregnant girl: he hit her on her silicone breasts

Antho­ny almost cut off his ex-lover’s fin­ger, but so far — only from her words.

A major scan­dal involv­ing a Man­ches­ter Unit­ed foot­ball play­er has bro­ken out in Eng­land. Antho­ny: his ex-girl­friend is an influ­encer and DJ Gabriela Cav­allin — accused the Brazil­ian of domes­tic vio­lence.

What did the girl say about the football player?

Gabriela con­tact­ed the Sao Paulo police back in June, accus­ing Antho­ny of domes­tic vio­lence, threats and caus­ing injury. Now the Brazil­ian pub­li­ca­tion UOL has shown evi­dence: pho­tographs, videos, con­ver­sa­tions and eye­wit­ness accounts that indi­cate threats and aggres­sion from Antho­ny.

Gabriela showed pho­tographs of the injuries and screen­shots of mes­sages from cor­re­spon­dence with the Man­ches­ter Unit­ed play­er. The girl said that Antho­ny attacked her sev­er­al times — for the first time in June 2022, when she was preg­nant and on vaca­tion in Brazil.

Gabriela Cavallin

Gabriela said that Antho­ny put her in the car, attacked her and threat­ened to throw her out of the car mov­ing at high speed. The rea­son is the foot­ball player’s jeal­ousy, which pro­voked domes­tic vio­lence:

“He said that if I don’t stay with him, I won’t be with any­one. He said that my child is his. He said either I will stay with him, or I, he and our son will die. I told him I was preg­nant, that he scared me, mak­ing my heart beat faster. I was shak­ing with fear.”

Frame with a girl's injury

Anthony injured his ex-girlfriend’s breasts

The next day Gabriela was admit­ted to the hos­pi­tal. Accord­ing to doc­tors, she lost the baby after about 16 weeks of preg­nan­cy. But in August she made peace with the foot­ball play­er, and in Jan­u­ary she was injured again. Antho­ny hit the girl out of jeal­ousy, which led to the dis­place­ment of the sil­i­cone implant. Accord­ing to Gabriela, she received more than 40 stitch­es on the inside of her breasts.

Then the foot­baller said: “I didn’t mean to hurt you, it was an acci­dent, it wasn’t a hit, I just pushed you, I just pushed you against the wall.”

The next two attacks occurred in Eng­land — the last was on May 8, 2023. Gabriela said that the Brazil­ian threw a glass at her — the frag­ment cut her fin­ger to the bone. “Antho­ny locked the door of the house and did not let me leave, and my fin­ger was cut, all wound­ed. He broke my things and took my pass­port,” the girl com­plains.

The girl did not leave the football player, and now she is suing

Gabriela admit­ted that she endured vio­lence and did not leave the foot­ball play­er. But now she’s suing him:

“I knew I should have left him, but I just couldn’t. I real­ly liked him and had a lot of hopes. I was very attached to the begin­ning of our rela­tion­ship, to what he was to me at the very begin­ning.

On that last day, May 8, 2023, things were very seri­ous. I was very afraid that I wouldn’t be able to leave the house. Antho­ny locked the door of the house and did not let me leave, and my fin­ger was cut, all wound­ed. He broke my things and took my pass­port.”

In June, Gabriela filed a com­plaint against Antoni with the Sao Paulo police, as well as with the Man­ches­ter police. As for the Brazil­ian him­self, he refutes Gabriela’s accu­sa­tions on social net­works.

Despite this, Antho­ny has already been expelled from the Brazil­ian nation­al team. Man­ches­ter Unit­ed is still con­sid­er­ing a deci­sion, study­ing the avail­able evi­dence. Late­ly, young foot­ball play­ers have often been accused of domes­tic vio­lence, but every­thing is decid­ed by the court.

If you are inter­est­ed in foot­ball, then learn the incred­i­ble sto­ry of a famous foot­ball play­er who makes mon­ey by deliv­er­ing pack­ages to sur­vive.