The most titled football player in the world is accused of rape: Dani Alves faces up to 12 years

The Brazil­ian was a Barcelona star but has been behind bars since Jan­u­ary.

For­mer Barcelona foot­baller Dani Alves appeared before a Cata­lan court, which is exam­in­ing the case against the play­er. Dur­ing the meet­ing, the Brazil­ian stat­ed that he “does not agree with the stat­ed facts, which do not cor­re­spond to real­i­ty.”

The defen­dan­t’s lawyer, Cristo­bal Martell, said the charge will not be appealed because Alves wants to expe­dite the process and appear in court as soon as pos­si­ble.

What threatens Dani Alves?

The judge involved in the pre-tri­al inves­ti­ga­tion found suf­fi­cient grounds to bring charges against the 40-year-old foot­ball play­er.

Con­sid­er­a­tion of the case on its mer­its should begin in the com­ing months. In a few weeks, the pros­e­cu­tor’s office will present an indict­ment, and the defense will also present its ver­sion of events. The foot­ball play­er faces up to 10–12 years for rape, which he does not admit to.

Alves has been in cus­tody since Jan­u­ary 20. A Barcelona court twice reject­ed his request for pro­vi­sion­al release. The court was con­fused that Alves gave three dif­fer­ent ver­sions of what hap­pened.

In addi­tion, the court con­sid­ered the footballer’s flight risk high due to his pos­ses­sion of large assets in Brazil, with which Spain does not have an extra­di­tion treaty.

What is Dani Alves accused of?

Since Jan­u­ary, Alves has been in the Bri­ans 2 prison, locat­ed in the city of Sant Esteve Ses­rovires near Barcelona. A foren­sic exam­i­na­tion found traces of the foot­ball play­er’s DNA in the body of the raped girl, and his wife filed for divorce at the end of Jan­u­ary.

Alves with his ex-wife

Bri­ans 2 prison is con­sid­ered com­fort­able: there is a library, a com­put­er room, clean cells and sep­a­rate bath­rooms, and sev­er­al gyms. Alves was placed in a sep­a­rate cell with its own show­er — for his safe­ty, prison author­i­ties claimed.

He lives with a cell­mate — at first he was accused under the same arti­cle, so that it would be eas­i­er for Alves to adapt. In the next cell from the foot­ball play­er was his acquain­tance, the Brazil­ian Coutin­ho. He worked as a body­guard for ex-Barcelona strik­er Ronald­in­ho and as a bounc­er in some night­clubs in the Cata­lan cap­i­tal.

Dani had a hard time on his first night in prison — he was depressed, bare­ly ate or spoke. But over time, the foot­baller adapt­ed and hopes for release:

“I will accept any out­come. I left home when I was bare­ly 15 years old. I have over­come very dif­fi­cult and chal­leng­ing sit­u­a­tions in my life. This will be anoth­er one that will also pass. Noth­ing scares me.”