The new sex symbol of the UFC is a Brazilian woman with big curves: you can’t take your eyes off her figure

Natalya Sil­va is climb­ing the divi­sion rank­ings with dreams of becom­ing a cham­pi­on.

Natalya Sil­va is quick­ly becom­ing a UFC fan favorite. It’s not just her bril­liant MMA skills and vic­to­ries, but also her seduc­tive fig­ure that gets her fans’ atten­tion on social media.

Who is Natalia Silva?

Sil­va, 26, defeat­ed Andrea Lee at UFC 292 on August 19. This is the athlete’s fourth UFC vic­to­ry in a row and 10th over­all.

The Brazil­ian (16–5‑1) made her pro­mo­tion­al debut in 2022 and has been extreme­ly active, some­thing UFC Pres­i­dent Dana White is known to love in his fight­ers.

Three of Sil­va’s five career loss­es came in her first four fights. Since then, she has been active­ly win­ning, and at only 26 years old, the girl is already dream­ing of the UFC title.

Sil­va’s pop­u­lar­i­ty grows after each vic­to­ry in the octa­gon, and this is cer­tain­ly reflect­ed in the num­ber of sub­scribers on social net­works. Many of them do not hide it — they signed up to see pic­tures of the beau­ti­ful fig­ure of the girl fight­er.

Why did the fans love the girl?

Whether she posts smart­phone snaps at the gym or glam­orous pho­to­shoots, they tend to receive a pos­i­tive response from sup­port­ers. Not every­one con­sid­ers Sil­va a beau­ty, but they agree that she has an excel­lent fig­ure.

How­ev­er, many peo­ple for­get how dif­fi­cult Silva’s path to the UFC was. She decid­ed to leave home to increase her chances of get­ting into the main MMA pro­mo­tion. And now she con­stant­ly thanks the coach­es for their help in her jour­ney.

“I moved to Con­tagem in Brazil because of my dream of being in the UFC. It was hard being away from home, from my moth­er, broth­ers and sis­ters,” the girl admits.

Sil­va became one of the biggest dis­cov­er­ies of the year in the UFC. And her enchant­i­ng vic­to­ry over Tere­sa Ble­da in 2022 was one of the main can­di­dates for vic­to­ry in the Knock­out of the Year cat­e­go­ry. Sil­va is cur­rent­ly only 13th in the wom­en’s fly­weight rank­ings, but is rapid­ly ris­ing to the top.