The Russian woman reached the 1/8 finals of Wimbledon at the age of 16: this record previously belonged to Maria Sharapova

The girl defeat­ed her com­pa­tri­ot, and also the 23rd rack­et of the world, Anas­ta­sia Potapo­va, with a score of 6:2, 7:5.

Russ­ian ten­nis play­er Mir­ra Andree­va reached the 1/8 finals of Wim­ble­don, the third Grand Slam tour­na­ment of the sea­son. Dur­ing the sec­ond set, Andree­va lost with a score of 1:4, and also won back a dou­ble set point with a score of 4:5. Her next oppo­nent will be Amer­i­can Madi­son Keys.

Mir­ra is play­ing at Wim­ble­don for the first time in her career. The girl is the sec­ond play­er under the age of 17 to reach the 1/8 finals in the wom­en’s sin­gles at Wim­ble­don in the 21st cen­tu­ry. The first was Russ­ian Maria Shara­po­va (2003).

Andree­va is ranked 102nd in the world rank­ing; at the end of April in Madrid, she won the first match at a WTA tour­na­ment in her career and became the youngest par­tic­i­pant in the 1/8 finals of a WTA-1000 tour­na­ment.

Wim­ble­don will end on July 15. The total prize fund of the tour­na­ment is five bil­lion rubles.

In addi­tion to Wim­ble­don, the French Open, Roland Gar­ros, is also pop­u­lar among ten­nis play­ers. Ser­bian play­er Novak Djokovic won it with a record 23rd Grand Slam vic­to­ry.