The Spanish national team players refused to compete due to the obscene behavior of the head of the federation. What has he done?

The World Cup cham­pi­ons refused to play unless RFEF Pres­i­dent Luis Rubiales resigns. They con­sid­ered his behav­ior obscene at the World Cup final.

On August 20, 2023, the final match of the Wom­en’s World Cup took place. The Span­ish team com­pet­ed against the Eng­lish team and won a land­slide vic­to­ry dur­ing the con­fronta­tion. The game end­ed with the score 1:0.

After the vic­to­ry, the Pres­i­dent of the Span­ish Foot­ball Fed­er­a­tion, Luis Rubiales, kissed Span­ish nation­al team strik­er Jen­nifer Her­moso on the lips. This moment was caught on all cam­eras and marked the vic­to­ry in the World Cham­pi­onship.

How­ev­er, lat­er unpleas­ant details began to emerge. In par­tic­u­lar, the Span­ish foot­ball play­er stat­ed that she did not con­sent to the kiss. It hap­pened against her will. Luis Rubiales dis­agreed. He stat­ed that it was a spon­ta­neous out­burst of pas­sion that occurred by mutu­al con­sent.

Fur­ther more. The pres­i­den­t’s behav­ior at the match began to be stud­ied in more detail and it turned out that Luis Rubiales also grabbed his crotch, thus express­ing delight at the vic­to­ry of the Span­ish team a few min­utes before the fatal kiss.

It would seem, what’s wrong with that? But the ges­ture could be con­sid­ered an aggra­vat­ing cir­cum­stance because Rubiales was watch­ing the match next to Queen Letizia of Spain and the 16-year-old Princess Infan­ta Sofia. And when sur­round­ed by women, it’s bet­ter not to behave like that.

The behav­ior of the fed­er­a­tion pres­i­dent was con­sid­ered incor­rect, offen­sive and vio­lat­ing pub­lic morals, but he did not agree with this, say­ing that he was not going to resign. Luis Rubiales stat­ed the fol­low­ing: “I won’t resign, I won’t resign, I won’t resign. I will fight until the end

Every­one was up in arms against the pres­i­dent. His behav­ior was con­demned by the coun­try’s prime min­is­ter, the Fifa dis­ci­pli­nary com­mit­tee, the trade union that pro­tects the inter­ests of the nation­al team play­ers said that Luis Rubiales dis­graced the coun­try in the eyes of the inter­na­tion­al com­mu­ni­ty, and the Nation­al Sports Coun­cil lit­er­al­ly said the fol­low­ing: “One of the great­est achieve­ments in the his­to­ry of Span­ish foot­ball has been tar­nished by the dis­grace­ful behav­ior of the high­est rep­re­sen­ta­tive of Span­ish foot­ball

Luis Rubiales had no choice but to apol­o­gize. But judg­ing by the boy­cott, they will no longer help him. Most like­ly, he will face res­ig­na­tion and long repen­tance for that ill-fat­ed kiss.