“We will die, and they will watch”: Russian Medvedev defeated Rublev at the US Open in terrible heat

The duel of the coun­try’s best ten­nis play­ers, as well as good friends, divid­ed the fans.

The eighth rack­et of the world Andrei Rublev lost to Dani­il Medvedev in the quar­ter­fi­nals of the US Open — 4:6, 3:6, 4:6. It was a match not only of Rus­sians, but also of friends: Rublev is the god­fa­ther of Medvedev’s daugh­ter.

How did the match turn out?

For Rublev, this was his ninth quar­ter­fi­nal in Grand Slams. He nev­er reached the quar­ter­fi­nals and became the first man in the Open era to lose his first nine match­es in the quar­ter­fi­nals.

Medvedev and Rublev met not for the first time in a big match: now the score was 6–2 in favor of Dani­il. But these three sets in 2 hours and 48 min­utes on the court were very dif­fi­cult for both ten­nis play­ers.

Medvedev and Rublev played in 34-degree heat and high humid­i­ty — in swel­ter­ing heat. Medvedev took a med­ical time-out twice and used an inhaler. In one of the games, he reproach­ful­ly said: “One play­er will die, and they will watch.”

Rublev was con­stant­ly wip­ing off his sweat and was also hav­ing a hard time cop­ing with the con­di­tions. At the same time, the ten­nis play­ers played a good match: there were many pro­tract­ed ral­lies and posi­tion­al strug­gles. For­tu­nate­ly for the Rus­sians, the match did not drag on and end­ed in three sets.

How did the tennis players comment on the match?

After the match, Medvedev laughed when asked if he want­ed to invite Rublev to fin­ish every­thing in three sets:

“I know he nev­er gives up. And he knows that I nev­er give up. And you know, when he led again with a break in the third set, I thought, “Well, at least there will be a 10-minute break.”

I could­n’t wait to go and take a cold show­er. From what I know, after that you either can’t move because your body lit­er­al­ly seizes up, or you feel bet­ter.”

Medvedev is num­ber three in the rank­ing, although he once led it for a short time. He reached the semi­fi­nals of the US Open for the fourth time in his career, where he will play the win­ner of the match between Car­los Alcaraz and Alexan­der Zverev. If the Spaniard wins, Dani­il will have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to take revenge for his defeat at a sim­i­lar stage at the last Wim­ble­don.

Rublev react­ed philo­soph­i­cal­ly to the defeat: “How do I rank? Eighth or sev­enth? Essen­tial­ly, I per­formed for my rat­ing. This year he was in the top eight three times. I guess I con­firm my rat­ing.”