Why do football stars remain without a contract?

Now that the trans­fer win­dow in Sau­di Ara­bia has briefly closed, top clubs can get through the first half of the sea­son with­out wor­ry­ing about their star being lured away by offer­ing her a ten­fold salary increase. The total amount spent by Arab clubs on foot­ball play­ers was almost 1 bil­lion euros. How­ev­er, what hap­pens to the play­ers who remain with­out a con­tract? We’ll tell you about it!

  • High finan­cial require­ments

For exam­ple, David De Gea, the Gold­en Glove win­ner, cre­at­ed a unique prece­dent and start­ed the sea­son with­out a club. On July 1, 2023, Span­ish goal­keep­er David De Gea became a free agent after 12 years at Man­ches­ter Unit­ed. With­out hes­i­ta­tion, Al-Nasr made a trans­fer offer to David De Gea. How­ev­er, why did the foot­ball play­er reject the gen­er­ous offer from Sau­di Ara­bia?

David De Gea

Accord­ing to the source, Al-Nasr is ready to offer the goal­keep­er up to 290 thou­sand euros per week, while at Man­ches­ter Unit­ed he received 403.65 thou­sand euros per week. The reduc­tion in wages by one and a half times was the root causeaccord­ing to which De Gea refused the Arab club.

Accord­ing to Trans­fer­markt, he tops the list of the most expen­sive foot­ball play­ers in the world who do not cur­rent­ly have a club.

De Gea’s trans­fer fee is esti­mat­ed at 13 mil­lion euros. Cur­rent­ly De Gea remains the most expen­sive free agent.

Cur­rent­ly, the 32-year-old foot­ball play­er is con­sid­er­ing the prospects of con­tin­u­ing his career in one of the clubs in the UAE, Mex­i­co or Qatar, but it is too ear­ly to talk about a final deci­sion.

  • Behav­ior on and off the field

There are also those who are not offered a con­tract. Foot­ball clubs care­ful­ly study the lifestyle of play­ers out­side the sta­di­um, and even pay atten­tion to the rumors that cir­cu­late around the play­ers, despite the com­i­cal nature of the sit­u­a­tion, and there is an exam­ple of this.

Papa Gomez

Papa Gomez, who played for the Argenti­na nation­al team at the World Cup, also found him­self with­out a con­tract. The Argen­tine’s agree­ment with the Span­ish club was valid until the end of the 2023/2024 sea­son, but on Sep­tem­ber 1, 2023, the mid­field­er became a free agent.

It can be not­ed that he was nev­er dis­tin­guished by exem­plary behav­ior on the field. In addi­tion, there were many rumors around his per­son; for­mer ESPN jour­nal­ist Gon­za­lo Car­doso said that Gomez had con­nec­tions with black mag­ic, which he used to trav­el to the 2022 World Cup in Qatar.

Accord­ing to Car­doso, Gomez turned to a local witch to slow down the recov­ery process of anoth­er play­er, Gio­vani Lo Cel­so, after his mus­cle injury. The Vil­lar­real mid­field­er broke down right before the tour­na­ment — and forced a return for a trip to Qatar.

Car­doso adds that the Argen­tine nation­al team still found out about Gomez turn­ing to the witch “for a spell on a com­rade” — and did not real­ly appre­ci­ate this deci­sion. Sub­se­quent­ly, the foot­baller did not appear with the nation­al team again. He was not invit­ed to the open­ing games of the Argenti­na nation­al team as world cham­pi­ons. The for­mal rea­son for this was Alejandro’s deci­sion not to release the Sevil­la play­er due to his recov­ery from injury. How­ev­er, accord­ing to Car­doso, the real rea­son was the reluc­tance of dress­ing room lead­ers, includ­ing Mes­si and Di Maria, to see such a per­son in the team.

Cur­rent­ly, the Trans­fer­markt por­tal esti­mates the cost of a play­er’s trans­fer in 3 mil­lion euros. Now the footballer’s health is pre­vent­ing him from con­tin­u­ing his career – Papu has already missed 19 match­es this sea­son. Mar­ca writes that sport­ing direc­tor Ramon Monchi is try­ing to reach an agree­ment with Mon­za. Dad may go to Serie A, where just three years ago he was con­sid­ered a megas­tar.

  • Can­cel cul­ture

In July 2023, Nico Schulz end­ed his career at Borus­sia, as the club decid­ed to ter­mi­nate his con­tract and paid him com­pen­sa­tion of 2.5 mil­lion euros. Note that a year before this inci­dent, in August 2022, the foot­ball play­er was accused of domes­tic vio­lence against his ex. She claimed he kicked her in the stom­ach two weeks before she gave birth. Accord­ing to infor­ma­tion received from the source, the con­tract was ter­mi­nat­ed by mutu­al agree­ment of the par­ties.

Niko Schultz

Nico Schulz spent four years at Borus­sia Dort­mund, start­ing in 2019, and won the Ger­man Cup and Super Cup with the team. In the 2022/2023 sea­son, Schulz did not appear on the field in offi­cial match­es for Borus­sia, as he was tem­porar­i­ly sus­pend­ed by the club due to alle­ga­tions of domes­tic vio­lence. He now faces 10 years in prison.

The trans­fer of this foot­ball play­er is val­ued quite low on the mar­ket; accord­ing to the Inter­net por­tal Trans­fer­markt, it is 1 mil­lion euros.

These three exam­ples of foot­ball stars left with­out con­tracts demon­strate that mar­ket sit­u­a­tions vary. High finan­cial expec­ta­tions can make find­ing a new club a dif­fi­cult task, despite the play­er’s tal­ent and expe­ri­ence, and the behav­ior of play­ers on and off the field can become a decid­ing fac­tor in con­tin­u­ing a career.