Beer and raw egg: David Beckham’s diet that helped him get into Manchester United

The foot­baller’s father believes that this method helped his son gain weight. How­ev­er, there are sev­er­al ques­tions about the diet.

An unusu­al diet of beer and raw eggs once helped David Beck­ham get into excel­lent phys­i­cal shape and get a place in the Man­ches­ter Unit­ed first team. The father of the leg­endary foot­ball play­er spoke about this method.

Ted Beck­ham is a for­mer gas engi­neer and an ardent Man­ches­ter Unit­ed fan. “I will nev­er have oth­er col­ors” — admits the man who uses a bright red Toy­ota van for work.

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That is why son Ted’s path in foot­ball began with the acad­e­my of the Man­ches­ter club. And although David showed excel­lent results in it, his father was wor­ried about his son’s phys­i­cal form: he was wor­ried that the heir would not be ath­let­ic enough to get into pro­fes­sion­al sports. “He won 92 games with­out los­ing a game, he was that good. But I was wor­ried because of its size.”“,” Ted lat­er admit­ted.

To help his son, Beck­ham decid­ed to make changes to his diet. So David’s menu includ­ed a dai­ly serv­ing of raw eggs and Guin­ness beer. Ted believed that this would help the young man gain weight.

That peri­od in Beck­ham Jr.’s life was lat­er recalled by Sir Alex Fer­gu­son, who served as the club’s head coach from 1986 to 2013. “He came to us as a small, thin boy”said the men­tor.

How­ev­er, this did not stop Beck­ham from demon­strat­ing excel­lent results on the field in his youth.

How effective is David Beckham’s diet?

Ted Beck­ham’s rev­e­la­tions were made in a Net­flix doc­u­men­tary ded­i­cat­ed to the foot­ball play­er. The effec­tive­ness of his tech­nique raised ques­tions among jour­nal­ists.

The Ojo­go news­pa­per cit­ed research show­ing that the human body can only absorb 50% of the pro­tein present in raw eggs. There­fore, doc­tors rec­om­mend eat­ing this prod­uct in cooked form — after pro­cess­ing, the amount of digestible pro­tein increas­es to 90%.

As for Guin­ness beer, it is con­sid­ered that it does not con­tain enough iron to be con­sid­ered a com­plete food prod­uct. Nev­er­the­less, the drink con­tains a lot of vit­a­min B9 — it is need­ed for the for­ma­tion of struc­tur­al pro­teins and hemo­glo­bin. How­ev­er, the drink could be replaced with dietary sup­ple­ments to avoid the effects of alco­hol on the body.

Pre­vi­ous­ly, we talked about the diet of UFC head Dana White, who decid­ed to try water fast­ing on him­self. The results were impres­sive.