British Mercedes driver Lewis Hamilton spoke about his favorite moment in his career

In addi­tion, the British rac­ing dri­ver shared what exact­ly he dreams of doing after fin­ish­ing his career.

Lewis Hamil­ton, the British dri­ver of the Mer­cedes team, told what moment in his career he con­sid­ers his favorite.

My favorite moment was when I first got into For­mu­la 1. We sim­ply could not believe it, because before this there were many dif­fi­cult peri­ods when we were already begin­ning to think that noth­ing would work out.

But I did­n’t give up. When I won my first race, it was in Mon­tre­al in 2007, I stood on the podi­um and saw my father below, this was the best con­fir­ma­tion that every­thing was not in vain“,” the team’s press ser­vice quotes Hamil­ton as say­ing.

What Lewis Hamil­ton’s first Mer­cedes car looks like, sold at auc­tion for a record $18.8 mil­lion

“The best dri­ver in his­to­ry”: motor rac­ing boss Bernie Eccle­stone named his F1 favorite – Hamil­ton or Ver­stap­pen?

Left the steer­ing wheel at 220 km/h: For­mu­la 1 fans were left speech­less after see­ing footage from Hamil­ton’s car

The rac­er also shared what exact­ly he dreams of doing after fin­ish­ing his career. As unex­pect­ed as it was, he admit­ted that he would like to climb Ever­est.

I would like to climb Ever­est. What appeals to me is that it is a seri­ous chal­lenge where your phys­i­cal and men­tal prepa­ra­tion will be tru­ly test­ed. Can I han­dle it? Will I be able to reach the top?

But I would make such an attempt in order to help raise mon­ey for some good cause. And then go down from Ever­est by paraglid­ing! I want to do this some­day”, said the British rac­ing dri­ver.

Ear­li­er, the famous British colum­nist Peter Wind­sor spoke about the career prospects of sev­en-time world cham­pi­on and Mer­cedes dri­ver Lewis Hamil­ton. The for­mer For­mu­la 1 team man­ag­er believes that Hamil­ton could retire this year.

Lewis will prob­a­bly quit if it’s anoth­er ter­ri­ble year and just say he’s had enough. I can’t imag­ine what he’ll think:

“So, you can wait until 2026 and get into a semi-elec­tric F1 car.” I don’t think this will tempt Lewis Hamil­ton. You’ll see some­one in a Mer­cedes, some­one like Lan­do Nor­ris — and that would be inter­est­ing. So yes, there will be con­se­quences.”, Peter said in one of the videos on his YouTube chan­nel.

The ear­ly car of sev­en-time For­mu­la 1 cham­pi­on Lewis Hamil­ton, in which he won his first vic­to­ry with the Mer­cedes team, was sold at Sothe­by’s auc­tion for $18.8 mil­lion.

Bloomberg reports that this is the high­est amount ever pub­licly paid for any mod­ern F1 car to date.

Lewis Hamil­ton has been rac­ing for Mer­cedes since 2013. Last sea­son, the Briton became third in the indi­vid­ual dri­vers’ stand­ings, behind only the Red Bull team dri­vers — the Dutch­man Max Ver­stap­pen and the Mex­i­can Ser­gio Perez.