Fight Nights fighter Magomed Mutaev was killed in Makhachkala: what is known about the tragedy

The motive for the attack on Nurmagomedov’s school stu­dent could have been revenge.

Magome­dra­sul Mutaev, an MMA fight­er who com­pet­ed in the Fight Nights pro­mo­tion and a stu­dent of Abdul­manap Nur­magome­dov, was killed in Makhachkala. The 21-year-old ath­lete was shot right near his home. We talk about every­thing that is known about the tragedy at the moment.

What is known about the murder of Magomed Mutaev

The assas­si­na­tion attempt occurred late in the evening of Jan­u­ary 31. Around 10:30 p.m., the fight­er was return­ing home from train­ing. He entered the entrance, where the attack­er was already wait­ing for him, who fired sev­er­al shots from a pis­tol. Lat­er he shot again — at Mutaev, who was already lying on the floor.

After this, the killer fled the scene in a Lada Pri­o­ra car, and the “Inter­cep­tion” plan was announced in Makhachkala. The wound­ed sol­dier was tak­en away by ambu­lance work­ers, who took him to the hos­pi­tal. There he died with­out regain­ing con­scious­ness.

The inci­dent has already been com­ment­ed on by the Fight Nights pro­mo­tion, in which the ath­lete per­formed. Rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the league called the inci­dent a ter­ri­ble tragedy, not­ed Mutaev’s suc­cess in sports and expressed con­do­lences to his loved ones. “Over his 20 years, Muham­mad man­aged to leave a bright mark in the world of mar­tial arts, his bright image will for­ev­er remain in our hearts. Our con­do­lences to the fam­i­ly and loved ones!” — the state­ment says.

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Who killed Magomed Mutaev

Accord­ing to SHOT, law enforce­ment offi­cials have iden­ti­fied the sus­pect in the attack. This is 18-year-old Nadyrkhan Kadirkhanov from the vil­lage of Kork­maskaly. Accord­ing to uncon­firmed reports, oper­a­tional oper­a­tions are tak­ing place in the local­i­ty.

Pre­sum­ably, Kadirkhanov could have attacked the fight­er out of resent­ment. Accord­ing to Nadyrkhan’s acquain­tances, Magomed and his friends beat the young man and mocked him about a month ago. In local chats they write that the cul­prit was “a bad act with bril­liant green,” but there has been no offi­cial con­fir­ma­tion of this infor­ma­tion.

A video has spread on the Inter­net, which alleged­ly shows the moment of the pre­vi­ous attempt on Mutaev’s life. It is alleged that it hap­pened last sum­mer on one of the streets of Makhachkala. Then Magomed returned fire at the attack­er, as a result of which he dis­ap­peared.

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Magomed Mutaev trained at the school of Abdul­manap Nur­magome­dov, the father of for­mer UFC cham­pi­on Khabib Nur­magome­dov. He fought his last fight in Novem­ber 2023 in Moscow. The next fight was sup­posed to take place on Feb­ru­ary 23.