Football players’ car collections: Messi’s car fleet is worth 10 million more than Ronaldo’s

Odd­ly enough, the most amaz­ing car col­lec­tions in the world belong to foot­ballers! We’ll look at five of the best ones.

Cars have been a sta­tus sym­bol for anoth­er 150 years or so, odd­ly enough, foot­ballers are the ones who love high sta­tus sym­bols the most!

Foot­ball pro­fes­sion­als don’t just score goals — they score in the fan­ci­est, fastest and most incred­i­bly expen­sive four-wheel­ers you can buy. Today we’re tak­ing a look at their col­lec­tion of amaz­ing cars!

Cristiano Ronaldo

Cris­tiano Ronal­do is not only one of the best play­ers in the world, but also one of the rich­est. Ronal­do’s car col­lec­tion is now val­ued at approx­i­mate­ly £20 mil­lion.

Cristiano Ronaldo's Stunning Bugatti Veyron Worth £1.7 Million

Its fleet includes: Bugat­ti Chi­ron worth £2.15 mil­lion (255 mil­lion rubles), Bugat­ti Vey­ron worth £1.5 mil­lion (180 mil­lion rubles), McLaren Sen­na worth £750 thou­sand (89 mil­lion), Phan­tom Drop­head coupe worth £500 thou­sand (59 mil­lion) and a Lam­borgh­i­ni Aven­ta­dor worth 300 thou­sand pounds ster­ling (30 mil­lion).

Cristiano Ronaldo next to his Lamborghini Aventador

His col­lec­tion includes a lim­it­ed edi­tion Bugat­ti Cen­todieci. Ronal­do is one of 10 peo­ple who own this car world­wide. In total, the Man­ches­ter Unit­ed, Real Madrid and Juven­tus leg­end owns 19 cars worth just under £20 mil­lion.

Marcus Rashford
McLaren 765 Long Tail
Rolls-Royce Cullinan Blue Shadow from the Rashford Collection

Mar­cus Rash­ford not the bright­est or most mem­o­rable of foot­ballers, but you’ll for­get about that once you look into his garage. Last month the Man­ches­ter Unit­ed ace bought him­self a Rolls-Royce Cul­li­nan Blue Shad­ow for £560,000 (66 mil­lion), one of 62 exist­ing cars.

Rash­ford owns two more “Rolls-Royce”: Black Badge Wraith and Cul­li­nan Black Badge, McLaren 765 Long Tail and Lam­borgh­i­ni Urus Per­for­mante.

Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang

Pierre-Emer­ick Aubameyang’s garage is full of overt­ly flam­boy­ant super­cars. For­mer strik­erArse­nal” And “Chelsea”, not one for mod­esty, he has three cars paint­ed bright gold and the oth­er two with psy­che­del­ic sil­ver trim.

Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang owns a luxury white Bentley Bentayga
3 of his cars are painted bright gold, while the other two have psychedelic silver trim.
Lionel Messi

U Lionel Mes­si has a mod­est car col­lec­tion that would make Tony Stark jeal­ous. The Argen­tine has a total of 13 cars; what makes him spe­cial is that he prefers clas­sic mod­els to chic new sports cars.

Messi is often seen driving a Maserati Gran Turismo MC Stradale in Argentina
1957 Ferrari 335 S Spider Scaglietti, which Messi bought at auction
Gareth Bale

Gareth Bale has a car col­lec­tion 500 thou­sand pounds (59 mil­lion) . He gets that much in 16 min­utes of play­ing time. His col­lec­tion includes a Mer­cedes SLS AMG for 165 thou­sand, a Lam­borgh­i­ni Hura­can for 156 thou­sand, a Bent­ley Con­ti­nen­tal GT for 152 thou­sand, and an Audi Q7 50 TDI for 65 thou­sand.

He usually drove to training in a rather modest Audi Q7 50 TDI
Gareth Bale next to his Lamborghini Huracan

The most expen­sive car in Bale’s col­lec­tion was a Fer­rari GTC4Lusso at £230,000.