Kevin-Prince Boateng revealed an interesting detail about Lionel Messi that was previously unknown to anyone

This is not the only unusu­al detail that not all fans know about. We’ve col­lect­ed a few more for you!

Kevin-Prince Boateng revealed an inter­est­ing detail about Lionel Mes­si dur­ing his time at Barcelona. Lionel has nev­er been seen at the gym.

I’ve nev­er seen Mes­si in the gym. He gets a mas­sage and then plays bas­ket­ball. 30 sec­onds before enter­ing the field, he just gets up and that’s it, goal, goal, goal. The young play­ers who looked at him, they didn’t train and got injured,” Kevin-Prince Boateng shared in a con­ver­sa­tion with Rio Fer­di­nand.

This is not the only strange fact that not all fans know about. We’ve col­lect­ed a few more for you!

As a child, Lionel received the nickname “flea”

The foot­baller’s height is — 170 cen­time­ters. Due to his short stature, he received his famous nick­name “flea” As a child, Lionel was diag­nosed with a dis­ease asso­ci­at­ed with the pitu­itary gland: as a teenag­er, he was far behind his peers in height and weight.

His fam­i­ly did not have mon­ey for treat­ment at that time. When Mes­si was accept­ed into the “Barcelona”, the club agreed to pay for his expen­sive treat­ment and reha­bil­i­ta­tion.

When scoring a goal, Messi raises both hands up, pointing his fingers to the sky.
When scoring a goal, Messi raises both hands up, pointing his fingers to the sky.

Lionel ded­i­cates this ges­ture to his beloved grand­moth­er, who died when he reached the age of 9. Grand­moth­er was an impor­tant and dear per­son in the life of the future foot­ball play­er. Mes­si believes that she is watch­ing over him from heav­en and ded­i­cates his goals to her.

Lionel’s very first contract was signed on a paper napkin
Lionel Messi's first contract

Barça sport­ing direc­tor Car­les Rex­ach want­ed to sign a con­tract with Mes­si as soon as pos­si­ble, with­out wast­ing a minute, but the usu­al paper was not at hand.

Lionel Mes­si left Barcelona in 2021. The world cham­pi­on has been play­ing for Inter Mia­mi since this sum­mer.

On July 1, 2021, Lionel Mes­si ceased to be a Barcelona play­er for the first time in his pro­fes­sion­al career:

“I gave every­thing to this club. I wish I could have said good­bye under dif­fer­ent cir­cum­stances. “I nev­er imag­ined my last day at Barcelona,” Mes­si said at his farewell press con­fer­ence, inter­rupt­ed sev­er­al times by tears chok­ing him.