Messi returns to Barcelona: his release date is already known

Mes­si spent 18 years at the club and dur­ing this time won La Liga 10 times.

Lionel Mes­si, who set­tled in the Unit­ed States after trans­fer­ring to Inter Mia­mi, stat­ed that he would not return to Europe. How­ev­er, the foot­baller was a lit­tle disin­gen­u­ous: soon he will have to per­form on the Euro­pean are­na — and defend the col­ors of Barcelona, ​​where Leo once spent 18 years.

The Foot­ball Trans­fers por­tal report­ed that the tri­umphant return will take place next year. The man­age­ment of the Span­ish club intends to orga­nize a mem­o­rable meet­ing espe­cial­ly for the Barça leg­end, which will be timed to coin­cide with the 125th anniver­sary of the club.

It is expect­ed that Mes­si will take part on Novem­ber 29, 2024. The pub­li­ca­tion notes that Barcelona leg­ends such as Xavi, Andres Ini­es­ta and Ser­gio Aguero can also be invit­ed to the team.

The club approach­es the selec­tion of poten­tial oppo­nents no less respon­si­bly. The orga­niz­ers of the game plan to bring togeth­er tru­ly great foot­ball play­ers in one team, whom Mes­si once played against. Thus, accord­ing to rumors, Ser­gio Ramos, Gareth Bale, and David Beck­ham have already received offers to take part in the match.

The pub­li­ca­tion writes that there is a pos­si­bil­i­ty that Cris­tiano Ronal­do will join the rival team — every­thing will depend on whether Al-Nasr releas­es him for these dates.

The All-Star Game will be host­ed at the ren­o­vat­ed Camp Nou sta­di­um. Fans will be able to attend the game if they have time to pur­chase tick­ets start­ing at 250 euros apiece (24 thou­sand rubles).

The beginning of the way

Lionel Mes­si start­ed his pro­fes­sion­al career at Barcelona. He played for the club from 2003 to 2021, after which he left due to finan­cial restric­tions in the Span­ish foot­ball cham­pi­onship.

As part of his native club, he won the La Liga title ten times, won the Span­ish Cup sev­en times, and also won the Cham­pi­ons League title four times.

Both the man­age­ment of Barcelona and the foot­baller him­self expressed a desire to con­tin­ue coop­er­a­tion: Mes­si even stat­ed that he was ready to give up half of his salary in order to remain in the team. How­ev­er, in 2021 he moved as a free agent to Paris Saint-Ger­main, and in the sum­mer of 2023 to Inter Mia­mi, where he now plays under coach Ger­ar­do Mar­ti­no. One of the club’s own­ers is anoth­er leg­endary foot­ball play­er, David Beck­ham.