Mourinho has left his post as head coach of Roma. Who will replace him?

The leg­endary coach leaves Roma. The rea­sons are not dis­closed, but an inter­est­ing can­di­date was found to replace him.

Jose Mour­in­ho is one of the great­est coach­es in the his­to­ry of foot­ball and one of the most dec­o­rat­ed spe­cial­ists in his­to­ry. It became known that he was leav­ing the post of head coach of the Ital­ian foot­ball club Roma, and the main can­di­date to replace him was for­mer Roman foot­ball play­er Daniele De Rossi.

The club’s man­age­ment issued a state­ment thank­ing the coach for his fruit­ful work, which brought good results to the club: “We thank Jose on behalf of all of Roma for the pas­sion and ded­i­ca­tion he has shown since his arrival. We will always have won­der­ful mem­o­ries of his lead­er­ship, but we believe imme­di­ate changes are nec­es­sary in the best inter­ests of the club. We wish Jose and his staff all the best for the future.”.

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Let us remem­ber that Jose Mour­in­ho became the coach of the Ital­ian Roma in 2021 and imme­di­ate­ly began to show good results. He led the team to vic­to­ry in the Con­fer­ence League in Tirana on May 25, 2022. Also, the team under his lead­er­ship also reached the final of the Europa League last sea­son, where they lost to the Span­ish Sevil­la in a penal­ty shootout (which is also an excel­lent result).

There is no exact infor­ma­tion yet about who will replace the leg­endary coach. How­ev­er, accord­ing to jour­nal­ist Fab­rizio Romano, the main con­tender to replace Mour­in­ho is Daniele De Rossi, a for­mer foot­ball play­er of the club and a great pro­fes­sion­al in his field.

Daniele De Rossi has con­nec­tions with Rus­sia — he is a descen­dant of an ancient Ital­ian fam­i­ly that lived for a long time on the ter­ri­to­ry of the Russ­ian Empire. But his sports career is much more inter­est­ing. De Rossi played for Roma from 2002 to 2019 and made 616 appear­ances for the team. With Roma, he won the Ital­ian Cup twice and the coun­try’s Super Cup once. De Rossi is also the 2006 World Cham­pi­on with the Ital­ian nation­al team.

Since 2021, he has moved to coach­ing and has also shown good results. Part­ly thanks to him, the Ital­ian nation­al team won Euro 2020, which is a mag­nif­i­cent achieve­ment for a novice coach (he served as a tech­ni­cal assis­tant coach). There­fore, castling looks inter­est­ing. All that remains is to wait for the offi­cial con­tract and eval­u­ate Roma’s suc­cess­es in the sea­son under the lead­er­ship of Daniele De Rossi.