Rising ring star Logan Paul announces retirement: ‘There’s no more money in boxing’

Logan Paul has announced that he is putting his box­ing career on hold to focus on WWE.

Dil­lon Danis appears to be Logan Paul’s final oppo­nent on box­ing ring.

In Octo­ber 2023, a six-round fight took place between the famous blog­ger, 28-year-old Logan Paul, and the for­mer mixed mar­tial arts fight­er, 30-year-old Dil­lon Danis, who made his debut in box­ing.

As a result, Dil­lon Danis was dis­qual­i­fied, and Logan Paul was declared the win­ner, although the fight did not have an offi­cial sta­tus.

Denis was dis­qual­i­fied for attempt­ing to use MMA and jiu-jit­su tech­niques late in the fight, which led to a mas­sive brawl.

Logan was fight­ing his sec­ond fight in his pro­fes­sion­al career. Before that, in 2019, he lost to blog­ger KSI in a six-round fight. The pre­vi­ous year, the two rivals fought in an ama­teur box­ing match that end­ed in a draw. Also in 2021, Paul par­tic­i­pat­ed in an exhi­bi­tion match against Floyd May­weath­er.

The 28-year-old said there is “no more mon­ey in box­ing” and will focus more on his career as a future super­star. WWE.

This came after he defeat­ed Rey Mys­te­rio at Crown Jew­el in ear­ly Novem­ber to win the Unit­ed States Cham­pi­onship, his first title in wrestling.

The first com­ment about Logan Paul’s depar­ture was giv­en to the pub­lish­er FOX Busi­ness: “Yes, I think it’s time to leave box­ing. I had done enough being com­plete­ly unde­feat­ed with 25 points. Now I’m going to become a fight­er. There is no more mon­ey in box­ing, every com­pa­ny is going bank­rupt. I want to become a full-fledged wrestler

World Wrestling Enter­tain­ment (WWE) is the world’s largest wrestling fed­er­a­tion.

While Paul’s old­er broth­er plans to retire from box­ing, younger broth­er Jake, looks like he intends to con­tin­ue his sports career.

IN Jan­u­ary 2020 younger broth­er Logan Jake Paul made his debut in pro­fes­sion­al box­ing.

Logan's younger brother Jake Paul will continue his career in professional boxing

Accord­ing to Forbes, in 2021, Paul and his broth­er earned a total of $40 mil­lion (3.7 bil­lion rubles) from box­ing. The net­work did not dis­close how much he earned for his fight with Dil­lon Danis in Octo­ber.