The dog ran onto the football field and circled the guards and players for a minute: a funny video conquered social networks

It looks like Mex­i­co has born a new goalscor­er who has wowed the stands with his drib­bling and seem­ing­ly elu­sive per­for­mances.

A fun­ny inci­dent occurred in the Mex­i­can sec­ond divi­sion of foot­ball: a dog ran onto the field in the last min­utes of the match. The result of the match was obvi­ous, so the dog was caught with­out much enthu­si­asm, and it played with the ball for more than a minute, amus­ing the stands.

How did a dog become the star of a football match?

The match took place on Wednes­day at the Oax­a­ca Tech­nol­o­gy Sta­di­um as part of the 11th round Mex­i­can sec­ond divi­sion. The home team Ale­bri­jes de Oax­a­ca con­fi­dent­ly defeat­ed Dora­dos de Sinaloa with a score of 4:0.

But the most mem­o­rable moment of the game was not the goals, but the entry of an unex­pect­ed play­er onto the field — a cheer­ful dog, who took the ball from the play­ers and began to run around the field with it.

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The inci­dent was cap­tured on video and quick­ly went viral on social media. In the 91st minute, a play­ful dog ran onto the field and took the ball from the goal­keep­er. Veselchak skill­ful­ly elud­ed secu­ri­ty offi­cers and play­ers who tried to catch him.

Fans cheered every time the dog evad­ed cap­ture. A com­i­cal chase ensued: the guards and play­ers tried to dri­ve the dog into a trap, but he, hold­ing the ball in his mouth, avoid­ed all threats.

This went on for more than a minute when one of the play­ers final­ly caught the dog. And the secu­ri­ty offi­cer lured him with anoth­er ball, tak­ing the dog to the lock­er room.

Dogs have already run onto the football field — even in Russia

The appear­ance of dogs on the field is not uncom­mon in Latin Amer­i­can cham­pi­onships, but in Euro­pean foot­ball this hap­pens less often. But in the Russ­ian league, a dog ran onto the field dur­ing the Moscow der­by.

In 2007, CSKA played against Spar­tak in Luzh­ni­ki. At the end of the match, a dog ran onto the field, frol­icked on the lawn and made the fans laugh.

The ref­er­ee even gave her a yel­low card as a joke. The foot­ball play­ers were pet­ting the dog, and in front of CSKA for­ward Vagn­er Love it lay down on its back. The dog was care­ful­ly led out of the field to the cheers of the crowd.

But in 2011, a ter­ri­ble inci­dent occurred in Colom­bia: an owl acci­den­tal­ly flew onto the field, and a foot­ball play­er kicked it out with all his might. The owl died, and the fans hat­ed the play­er. Find out more about these and oth­er inci­dents in foot­ball in our mate­r­i­al.