“They bring in a case of beer”: the Russian national team player told how coach Karpin surprises his players

Strict rules reign in the nation­al team, but some­times even Valery Georgievich makes sur­pris­es.

Defend­er of the Russ­ian nation­al team Arsen Adamov spoke about the unex­pect­ed act of the head coach of the nation­al team Valery Karpin. The coach sup­port­ed the play­ers’ unsports­man­like behav­ior, but did so after the team’s vic­to­ry.

Karpin gave the players a box of beer

After the match against Slove­nia (2:1) in Octo­ber 2021, Karpin gave his play­ers “for­bid­den” drinks:

“I was on the list for the match­es against Slo­va­kia and Slove­nia. After the vic­to­ry in Mari­bor, Valery Georgievich said that they would bring us a sur­prise. And sud­den­ly a box of cola and a box of beer are brought into the lock­er room. Every­one was a lit­tle shocked, con­sid­er­ing how Karpin treats weight and sug­ar.”

Arsen Adamov was surprised by the order in the national team

Many fans were sur­prised by Karpin’s act. After all, before this, the coach, hav­ing come to the nation­al team, for­bade the play­ers from sug­ar and flour:

“Why was sug­ar banned? Because these are pro­fes­sion­al foot­ball play­ers. Before that, maybe they drank vod­ka, but I have noth­ing to do with it. I myself eat sug­ar, I’m not a foot­ball play­er. The borscht was excel­lent. Some play­ers have lost weight, but this is due to the work­load of the game.

We actu­al­ly removed sug­ar from the menu, although after a week the play­ers can start eat­ing it again. But here we offered them a menu that allows them to eat both well and cor­rect­ly. No one will die with­out a cake, can­dy and choco­late.”

Karpin against sugar and flour in the team

Who will the Russian national team play against in the near future?

On Sep­tem­ber 21, offi­cial infor­ma­tion appeared: the Russ­ian nation­al foot­ball team will play a friend­ly match with Cameroon. The meet­ing will take place on Octo­ber 12. This was con­firmed by the head of the RFU, Alexan­der Dyukov:

“Most like­ly, the game will take place in Moscow. Since Luzh­ni­ki will be busy, it will be a dif­fer­ent are­na.”

At the begin­ning of Sep­tem­ber, the Russ­ian team played two match­es with the Egypt­ian Olympic team under 23 years old. Karpin car­ried out a seri­ous rota­tion and called up 49 play­ers, most of them young. The first match end­ed in a 1:1 draw, and in the sec­ond match Egypt won 2:1.