What is known about the mysterious incognito rapper playing in the Premier League?

The incog­ni­to rap­per, under the pseu­do­nym Dide, rose to fame in ear­ly 2023 by claim­ing to also be a Pre­mier League foot­baller. We col­lect­ed every­thing that is known about him in the arti­cle!

There’s a lot of spec­u­la­tion sur­round­ing this image, or maybe it’s just a very clever mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy. Edi­tion Sky News met with incog­ni­to rap­per for an inter­view.

In mid-April, British rap­per Didewhom no one knows, released a video for the song Thrill with the fol­low­ing descrip­tion:

“Get ready to be blown away by this pow­er­ful new music video“Thrill”! Our tal­ent­ed artist dives deep into his emo­tions while try­ing to remain unrec­og­nized by fans. Hid­den behind his mys­te­ri­ous mask, dec­o­rat­ed with ros­es, he reveals him­self as an incred­i­ble lyri­cist, explor­ing iden­ti­ty, inequal­i­ty and mod­ern soci­ety in aston­ish­ing detail.”

Click and watch

The video quick­ly gained pop­u­lar­i­ty online. The play­er’s face is com­plete­ly cov­ered with a mask, but based on the loca­tions, it was easy for fans to guess that it was filmed in Lon­don.

Fans began to make assump­tions and hints about who could be hid­ing under the mask in the song. Ini­tial­ly there was spec­u­la­tion that it could be Wil­fried Zaha, Jadon San­cho and Reece Nel­son, but most came to the con­clu­sion that it was Arse­nal strik­er Edward Nke­ti­ah, who decid­ed to try his hand at the music indus­try.

This con­clu­sion was drawn due to sev­er­al details: the nick­name “Dide” is an ana­gram of the name “Eddie”, the text con­tains a ref­er­ence to “to the gun­ners”, and also in the video he repeats his char­ac­ter­is­tic cel­e­bra­tion.

Eddie Nketiah from Arsenal

U Dide a tat­too was noticed on his arm that is very sim­i­lar to the one the winger has “Cardiff City» Sheyi Ojo. A dia­mond is depict­ed.

Dide has been spotted with a tattoo on his arm that is very similar to the one the Cardiff City winger has.

25-year-old Ojo is a stu­dent of “Liv­er­pool” He made his debut in 2016 for the main team, but in 6 years he played only 554 min­utes as a starter. The rest of the time I was on rent: Wigan, Wolves, Ful­ham, Reims, Rangers, Cardiff City And “Mill­wall

Ojo’s con­tract with Liv­er­pool end­ed last sum­mer. Then he moved to Cardiff as a free agent.

The winger’s sta­tis­tics this sea­son are mod­est: only 2 goals in more than 2000 min­utes, and he is not always a starter.

It looks like this real­ly is a pow­er­ful PR cam­paign, and the guy just thought of an addi­tion­al career. To get a strong start, we had to lie a lit­tle about our con­nec­tion with the Pre­mier League.

Dur­ing the inter­view, Sky News was asked to con­firm his iden­ti­ty Dida not for pub­li­ca­tion, but he polite­ly declined.

How­ev­er, rather than request a meet­ing in the per­haps safer envi­ron­ment of a music stu­dio, he agreed to show off his skills on the foot­ball field.

He also did­n’t shy away from ques­tions about the sta­di­ums he played in or the play­ers he faced dur­ing his career. The rap­per shared that at the sta­di­um “Eti­had“Man­ches­ter City appar­ent­ly have the best dress­ing rooms; inter­est­ing that con­sid­er­ing they were only refur­bished this sea­son.

He says his favorite play­er of all time is Arse­nal hero Thier­ry Hen­ry, per­haps a clue to his team? And it’s still not Sheyi, but Edward?

What do foot­ball experts think? Mark White, author of Four­FourT­wo mag­a­zine and web­site, is scep­ti­cal.

I may be wrong, but if Dyde is in fact a Pre­mier League foot­baller, I have a feel­ing he must have thrown peo­ple off the scent a bit with his lyrics” White has met Nke­ti­ah and will nev­er believe he is the man behind the mask.

But I think it would be too good to be true if one of the best play­ers in the world at the moment also moon­lights as a rap­per. I think it would be too excit­ing

We are at least a lit­tle clos­er to answer­ing the ques­tion: who is Dyde? Maybe a lit­tle bit. But it looks like the mys­tery will remain alive for some time.